Chapter 20

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I woke up next to a sleeping Kirstie. Her lips were parted slightly and she was breathing softly. I laid there and stroked her hair for a little while and she finally woke up. "Good morning beautiful" I said quietly.

"Good morning" she said. we got up and showered and got ready.

"Starbucks?" I ask. She nods and we go to the car.

Scott POV

Mitch and I decided we need to start planning the wedding. We decide that we are going to do it in the spring. So we need to start planning...

We are both in the mood for Starbucks so we decide to go to Starbucks and start planning the wedding.

*at Starbucks*

"Where do we even start?" I ask

"Well, we need to figure out where we are going to have it first." Mitch says. "I was looking online and I found this vineyard that is beautiful, do you like it?" Scott looked a picture of the vineyard.

"It looks beautiful, I'll call the man renting it..." He called the man and they had to go over later that day to take a look. They kept talking and after 3 hours they had their guest list, they designed a wedding cake, they figured out flowers, entertainment, etc. They also decided that they wanted someone close to them to marry them so Kevin volunteered.

Kevin POV

I am on my way to pick up tori, I am taking her out to a super fancy, expensive restaurant because it's our anniversary.
I get to her house and go knock on the door. She comes out looking gorgeous, as always, and we head to the restaurant.

We are on our way to the restaurant and we are talking about Scott and Mitch's wedding, when I feel my head hit the steering wheel, sounds out crunching metal and Tori's scream fill my ears. 'This is it' I thought...

Kirstie POV

I have a doctors appointment today, I get to find out if my baby is going to be a boy or a girl. Yay! Avi and I are on the way now!

We get to the doctors and sit in the waiting room "Kirstin" they call, we go back to the room and they put this cold gel on my stomach and rub this thing on my stomach, I see my baby on the screen.

"Congratulations you are going to have a baby..."

A/N: haha, 2 cliffhangers. Should the baby be a boy or a girl???

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