Chapter 24

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The next morning...
Mitch POV
I wake up naked next to Scott and I have a pounding headache. I get up and put pants on then make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth because I can still smell the alcohol on my breath... Halfway through brushing my teeth I go to the toilet and puke my guts out. Then I finish brushing my teeth and head to the kitchen and take an Advil. Then I decide I want to make breakfast for me and Scott so I go start making some pancakes and eggs and bacon.

Scott POV
I wake up to the wonderful smell of pancakes.. And a terrible heachache. I put on some clothes and go brush my teeth then head I to the kitchens and I see that my wonderful fiancé made some breakfast. "Yumm this looks amazing mitchy" I say and plant a light kiss on his lips. We eat then go watch to the living room and watch some spongebob and cuddle.

Kirstie hasn't had a baby shower and I don't want her to not have one so I called the only person I knew to call; Esther.

E: hey little bro what's up?

A: well Kirstie's having a baby and she hasn't had a baby shower I was wondering if you could maybe put something together for her? I want it to be perfect!

E: of course I can, I'll start on it now! It'll be the best baby shower ever!

A: thanks sis! I'll talk to you later love you!

E: love you too bye.

Ok so I got that taken care of, time to wake my sleeping beauty. I walk over to where Kirstie is sleeping and shake here lightly "wake up baby, you have a doctors appointment to go to."

"Ugghhhhhhhh" she groans and rolls over. I kiss her on the lips.

"That's my princess." I say. She gets up and gets dressed then we head to the doctors office.

We sit in the waiting room and soon enough they call our names and we go into the room. "So today we're just gonna do an ultrasound to make sure the baby's doing well and take some pictures. Sound good?" The doctor asked.

"Yep perfect." Kirstie flinched as they put the cold gel on her stomach.

"The baby is healthy. Here are your pictures." The doctor handed us the pictures of the baby in Kirstie's stomach.

"Thank you very much" the doctor nodded and walked out. Kirstie wiped the gel off her stomach and we left.

When we got home we sat on the couch and turned on the tv. My phone rang and I excused myself to take it, it was Esther. She told me that the baby shower was gonna be in 3 days and it's gonna be at our house and it's a surprise so I have to take Kirstie somewhere and we'll come back and everyone will be here.

Kevin POV
I woke up and thought I would take Tori breakfast so I went and got Starbucks and went over to her house... I didn't want to wake her so I used the key she gave me and walked in and set my stuff down then I walked to her room and heard some moving around, she's probably just moving in her sleep. I walked in and nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. Tori in bed with girl. They were not just having a sleepover NOOOO. The girl was laying there in lingerie and tori, also in lingerie, was kissing her neck and stomach. "Oh my god" I said shocked. "Tori what the fuck is this?!" I yelled.

"It's not what it looks like I promise Kevin!" She said getting up. I started to walk out "KEVIN" she yelled and chased after me.

I stopped and turned on my heel. "Who is that?!" I asked tearing up.

"It's just a friend Kevin." She said

"Are you sure about that... ITS DEFINITELY NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" At this point I was yelling.

"KEVIN I LOVE YOU NOT HER!!" She was also yelling.

"OK THEN WHAT.THE.HELL WAS THAT?!" I said now crying

"Kevin, I was drunk it was a mistake" her crying now too.

"So you were drunk AND cheating on me?!" I said.

"Kevin I'm sorry" she said full of regret.

"Bye Tori" I said then I turned and left. I got into my car and burst into tears... I definitely didn't want to be alone right now so I drove to Avi and Kirstie's house. I walked up and knocked on the door. Avi opened and saw I had been crying.

"What happened Kevin?" He said and pulled me into a hug. I started sobbing and all I could say was Tori's name in such a weak voice. We went inside and sat on the couch. Kirstie must've heard me crying because she rushed into the living room. As soon as she saw me she ran over and sat next to me and pulled me into a hug. I explained to them what happened once I calmed down.

"I'm so sorry Kevin" Kirstie said. Avi got up and walked to the door clenching his fists.

"Avi no. That's not going to solve anything." I said once I realized where he was going.

"Yes it will... I'm not going to hurt her I just want to talk to her." He said and left before I could say anything else. I just turned to Kirstie and started crying again.

A/N: woah that was unexpected. Stay #fcute

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