Chapter 3

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Kirstie POV:
I drove home. When I got there I went inside.

" Jeremy?" Kirstie yelled "Jeremy?" She yelled again. "guess he's not here".

'I'm tired , I'm just gonna go to bed' she thought to herself.

It was 3 am. Kirstie was sleeping soundly, until she heard the door open, she got up and walked into the kitchen, it was Jeremy. "Where have you been?" Kirstie asked.

" at the bar" a drunk Jeremy replied.

" I was worried sick, why were you at the bar until 3 a.m?" Kirstie asked.

" cause I wanted to" Jeremy slurred

" well please don't do that again, I was really worried" Kirstie replied.

" YOU DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Jeremy yelled.

"Woah, I was just worried, calm down" Kirstie said scared.


"I WAS JUST WORRIED" Kirstie yelled back

Jeremy wheeled around a slapped her as hard as he possibly could.

Kirstie yelped in pain.

"SHUT UP" Jeremy pinned her against the wall

"STOP" Kirstie yelled.

Jeremy didn't listen he just slapped her again, he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to his car. He drove to an abandoned house he dragged her down to the basement and chained her to a pole. He started slapping and punching her. Kirstie screamed in pain, but no one could hear her. Soon Jeremy had beat her so much she couldn't scream anymore. He started touching her. He got more intense and started undressing her. He beat her again and then raped her. He beat her more and more.

Kirstie woke up in her bed, in her apartment, Jeremy was no where around. Kirstie got up but was stopped by a shooting pain in her back. She powered through and went to her bathroom and got in the shower, her cuts and bruises stung. She got out of the shower and got dressed. She went to her kitchen and ate breakfast.

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