Chapter Twenty Eight

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I stand in the corner of James's office listening to them talk about the Rouge's that I had killed on The Rising Moon Pack's territory. I looked to the door as Bash walked in, then smirked to me. Quietly he nodded to James, then came to my side.

"That's my spot." He linked to me.
"I can see why. It's dark and out of the spot light."

He smiled while scooting between the wall and myself, then pulled my back to his front. I focused back of James and Brian. This was important.

"I wanna know how they got past the border patrol and onto my lands." James stated, then looked up to me.
"I already have it, but I want your Mother to send me a copy of the schedule to make sure mine is accurate." He told me.
"Uh, my Mother doesn't handle the patrols anymore."
"What?" Brian asked looking to me confused.
"Billy does that now."

They seemed to be linking to each other confusing me on why they weren't talking aloud.

"Who handled your schedules and position planting in your old territory?" Brian asked.
"My Mother and myself. We changed it up every week except Billy and I stayed in the same spot."
"Then, why is it that we had a breach?" James asked me.

He wasn't angry, he was more concerned and agitated. I don't blame him. This is very serious.

"That is a good question. I can call Billy and have him send it to you."
"I'll link him." James stated causing me to nod.

Five minutes later and he was pulling the paper from the printer holding it up next to the one he had for that week. He shook his head in confusion.

"Pass these to Seb and tell me what you see." He told Brian.

Brian looked over the papers as his head cocked back. His eye brows screwed together, then he handed the papers to Bash. I looked over the schedule along with him.

"What the fuck?"
"Where where the patrols at when there was a breach. It shows right here that they should have been posted in that exact spot." Bash stated still examining the page.

I read the name again and shook my head.

"Of course."
"What?" Brian asked.
"Fucking hell. This kid, Issac Thomson is horrible when it comes to showing up. I used to have to kick his ass for not showing up to patrol. We ended pulling him off the schedule in general so why Billy thought it would be a good idea to add him on again is mind fucking me right now."

James growled while the other two males shook their heads.

"Then that explains it. From now on it seems my warriors will be making surprise visits daily at different times to make sure the patrols are where they're supposed to be." Bash stated annoyed.
"It seems like it." Brian agreed.

I just stood there embarrassed. These were my people and one of them fucked up. That reflects poorly on not just him, but the rest of them. Ridiculous. Looks like I'm going to have to kick his ass again, but one question remains.

"Wait, why were they there in the first place?"
"That's a good question. Go find out." James said not looking up for his computer.
"What? How?"
"You tell me. Go be a monkey again for all I care. Figure it out." He chuckled.

I growled walking towards the door. Bash began laughing, but I glared at him.

"Can I take anyone with me?"
"Yes you can." Brian smiled.

I smirked at Bash.

"Time to test you ability's Gamma Black. Let's see if you're any good in the tree's as I am."

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