I climbed into the elevator with my bag in my hand that held my bathing suit and a towel, then pressed the ground floor. I was so hoping he said yes because I was dying to see that lake. As soon as the doors opened I stepped through and found him at the door with Brian and Bash. Ignoring Bash I said my hello's.
"Beta Brian. Alpha."
"Grasshopper." Brian clipped out my new name with a nod of his head acknowledging my presence.He was a weird one. Well, I guess I can't say weird. He is all for business any time he talks to me now and I think that has to do with my stare down at him at our old Pack. At least the nickname stuck. A weird one, but it's something I suppose.
"What can I do for you?" James asked with a smile knowing I ignored Bash on purpose.
I think he has come to realize just how annoying I find him.
"I was wondering if it would be okay with you if I went to the lake we talked about earlier?"
"You don't have to ask me. Go ahead." He chuckled.
"Thank you."I spun around and nearly ran into a blonde haired girl, but caught her before we collided. She was really beautiful.
"I'm sorry." She giggled.
"No, you're perfectly fine. That was my mistake. I should have watched where I was going."She smiled and I heard Bash mutter under his breath causing me to look to him.
"Eat it."
I looked back to her smiling innocently.
"I'm Mercy Roads."
"Ahh yes. I've heard so much about you." She smiled.
"Of course. The badass warrior with amazing aim." She joked.
"Well I wouldn't go that far...Okay, keep going."She laughed along with me before introducing herself.
"My name is Hope Wall. I'm the Luna."
My eyes widened and I turned to James.
"I'm sorry."
"For what?" He laughed.
"I almost knocked your Luna down."I was seriously worried he would have been mad, but when he waved me and I immediately felt stupid. I should have known he wouldn't think too much of it. He's not Grant.
"I should go."
"It was really nice to meet you." She smiled.
"You too!"I quickly made my way towards the wood line scolding myself. Why did I act like he would bite my head off for something so small? It's not like he accused me of trying to kill her, then locked me away for life. I shook my head as an arm was thrown over my shoulder. I looked beside me and smiled when I seen Billy.
"Aren't you supposed to be unpacking?"
"Already done." He smiled.
"Where are you going?" He asked while looking behind us.
"To the spring fed lake."He was still glancing behind us so I turned around, but no one was there.
"Whats the matter with you?"
"I'm still not used to our home." He stated.
"Me neither, but then again it is day one."
"Good point." He countered.
"Wanna shift?"
"Sure." He smiled walking behind the tree.
"Bring your cloths to me when your done. I'll put them in my bag."After he agreed, I waited for him to shift and bring me his clothes with his teeth. I threw them in the bag, then walked behind a tree. Yes, we've seen each other naked before, but that doesn't mean I want it to be a regular thing. I stripped down stuffing my clothes in, then called forth my Wolf. She was excited to get out.

The Gamma's Daughter
Lupi mannariMercy is the Daughter of the Gamma Cheryl Roads. She is a 20 year old woman filled with hate for her ex boyfriend and also the Alpha of her Pack. She suppress her anger by working hard to follow in her Mother's footsteps of becoming the best female...