Chapter Fourty Seven

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I never wanted to lose hope that he could be out here alive. I never wanted to say fuck it and throw in the towel because all the signs were pointing to the fact he might not be alive. I never wanted to give up on finding the love of my life.

But.. it's already been three days. Three painfully slow and agonizing days of no sign of him. The last sign we came across was the river. We sent one group up river and another down.

Ty and I along with a girl that has made it very clear she that she wanted to fuck him at any point in time decided on going straight across. So far, no one has found anything.

As of now we are on the third night and making camp. I never expected anyone to be out this long beside me searching for someone they don't know or care about. I myself never thought I'd be out this long or even this far. Where could he have gone? If he never made it, we would have known. Well not me, but James and Hope.

As I look into the fire that offered me the same warmth he used to every night it pained me to not be able to feel him. He is probably out there going crazy with grief. He must believe his whole Pack was massacred and the rest were imprisoned. He felt my death. I know he did. Maybe that's why he never came back..

Tears pooled at my eyes as I laid on the forest floor looking up at all the stars. The moon was full and bigger than ever. I just hope he is out there looking up at the moon finding any comfort he can with the Moon Goddess.

The Moon Goddess. Is she no longer my Goddess since I am no longer a Werewolf? Do I look up towards the Heavens and pray to Helios? Can I still worship the Woman that chose the perfect Mate for me? I know nothing yet of being a Vampire. All I know is blood, speed, no more sleep, and night vision.

"Mercy?" Ty called bring my attention to him.
"Let's practice." He stated standing to his feet and walking away from the fire.

I sighed and stood to follow him. When we got a little ways away he stopped and turned around. He wasn't looking to me though so I turned as well.

"Can I watch?" Sasha asked innocently.

I turned back to Ty while rolling my eyes. This girl has to give up. He has been dodging her flirtatious moves and puppy dog eyes ever since she joined us. I almost feel bad for her.

"Fine, but stay silent." Ty ordered.

She smiled while nodding silently, then sitting against a tree. He is legitimately being a blatant dick to her and she is still smiling ear to ear. I don't understand her..

"We're going to work on our dodge." He stated looking to me.
"But we did that last night?"
"Yes and the night before we worked on speed. Tonight we are going to combine the two." He smirked.
"Alright. When do we-"

Before I could even get my sentence out he was charging towards me. I got the dodge down, but the speed never came. He however did, knocking me flat on my back when he got to me.

"Fuck. A little warning would be great."
"There are no warnings in war." He schooled me as if I hadn't known that already.
"No shit."

Trust me. Surprises were very known to me. It's one of the reasons I'm a blood sucker now. The thought of my Wolf being gone had an anger I couldn't control pulsing through my veins.

"Mercy, calm down and focus." Ty said softly.
"It's hard to calm down when I keep reminding myself that due to transitioning into a Vampire, I lost my Wolf."
"I understand. Trust me, I do. I just need you to calm down. Okay?" He soothed coming closer to me.

I shook off the anger the best I could and focused. I looked to him and nodded.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

He nodded, then backed away. Just like before he charged at me. Two hours later and my back and ass were on fire. Normally I wouldn't complain, but I was sore about my Wolf still. I was just over this whole night already.

"You're doing a lot better than you think." He smiled lending me a hand to stand up.
"You really shouldn't lie, Ty."

He chuckled shaking his head, then we began to walk back to the camp with Sasha in tow still as silent as she was ordered to be. When we all sat back down he added more wood to the fire. Sasha couldn't keep her eyes off Ty and it made me really curious about her.

Was she apart of their Pack before they became Vampires or did she join their Coven after the fact?

"Whats your story, Sasha?"
"Well, it's nothing too special." She smiled.
"Everyone's story is special in their own way."
"I suppose your right." She replied after thinking about it for a second.

She looked to me, then to Ty who wasn't paying her any mind. He just casually stared up at the night sky. I could tell he was still listening anyways, but she couldn't. She was almost disappointed that he appeared uninterested in her past.

"I was born into the Fire Sun Coven. I never knew my Father and when I was thirteen my Mother died at the hands of our Coven Master's Beloved after he found her." She began, but paused having been choked up about remembering.

I felt terrible for asking her, but it was good she could talk about it instead of holding it in. Holding in grief has done more harm than good in my experience..

"She didn't like the fact that her Beloved has shared a bed with my Mother many times before her. After my Mother died, I was sent to Master Finn's Coven. She believed I would grow up and take revenge on her or her Coven one day." She scoffed rolled her eyes.

She looked up at the sky and Ty looked to her. His eyes held pity for her, but the pity was replaced with a void look as he looked back up as well.

"My adoptive Mother is one of the top warriors here in the Coven. She took me in and raised me like I was her own. She hasn't found her Beloved yet. I believe we helped one another throughout the years. Just two lonely people to love one another." She smiled, then going silent.
"I bet she is proud of who you are today."
"She should be. She raised me to be like her." She giggled.

I smiled and laid down. Her adopted Mother wasn't who I was talking about. I know her birth Mother is proud of her for rising above the hatred and pain one person caused her.

"Do you ever wish you found him?" Ty suddenly asked her surprising both her and me that he was even talking to her.
"Who?" She wondered not once looking away from the twinkling lights in the sky.
"Your Father." He answered.

She went silent contemplating before shaking her head.

"No, I think it's for the best. He couldn't bother to have anything to do with me when I was born, so he doesn't get the opportunity to be in my life." She stated.

Okay, Sasha! Yes! Make that shit known, girl. I have to admit. As annoying as she could be, she is mentally strong. How could she not with what she went through? It's good she knows her worth.

"Goodnight, Girls. Try to get some sleep." Ty spoke softly.
"You're not sleeping tonight? I can take first watch."
"No, you two get some rest. I don't sleep." He answered.
"How comes?" Sasha asked.
"I'm just one of those rare Vamps that don't need it, but once every month." He shrugged.

I was surprised by that. I couldn't imagine not being able to sleep for that long. Props to him because I know it has to be boring.

I rolled on my back and looked up at the moon. What I would give to howl to her one last time..


W/C: 1,414

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