I couldn't sleep so I threw myself into working out, running, archery, and sparring with literally anyone who wanted to spar with me. Its been three day and Bash has been distant. I can't say I understand his pain because I have never been in his shoes, but I can say I understand to a point.
I know that if I did anything at all to hurt him accidentally it would break me. I would feel like I failed him in a way and I never want him to feel that way either. I tried to go up and talk to him every time I seen him, but he would do what I used to do to him. Pretend he didn't notice me and walk away before I could reach him.
How is this helped? The distance, not communicating, and just plain out avoidance. That is not what you do when it comes to your other half. You sit down, talk through it, and explain your feelings the best to your abilities. When your done talking, then you decide together if space is necessary. He is treating me if I am a ghost or a Pack member he couldn't be bothered with. I couldn't do that to him. I wouldn't..
The way I seen it up until my Dad's death, you never leave unfinished matters with your Mate for days at a time no matter what. The life we live is a dangerous one filled with Pack wars and dangerous Rouge's. My Parents would always make time to sit down and talk through their problems, but that's just the thing. We are definitely not my Parents and no Mateship is alike. We are all unique made special.
I aimed down my target and let lose. I fired arrow after arrow into the dummy splitting them all down the middle and when my arrows were out, I reached down to grab more. This was the way I handled it all. The dark side in me. I found my way to cope through it and I'm sure he has found his own way. Maybe his own way is throwing himself into work and not talking to anyone. I'm not sure.
I groaned at the empty arrow bags realizing I had destroyed ever single arrow I owned safe for the very last one I shot. I walked over picking then all up and shoved the broken wood into the bags. I'll just order some more. They're just arrows. They can be replaced.
I walked out of the elevator looking down, but when I looked up I seen a blur, then his door shut. My whole body deflated once more as the rejection I felt made my eyes water. I pushed it all down and walked to my room. I closed the door and threw my arrow bag at the wall, then set my bow under my bed.
I looked into the mirror at the new mark smiling. This one might have been painful, but it truly is beautiful and well defined. It came from my Bash so that's all that matters. If he wants time, then he can have it, but if he takes too long.. that just wouldn't be fair to me.
I heard the elevator doors close, then quietly opened my door peaking out. He was just standing there as if he was deep in though not realizing the elevator had came and was now gone. I shook my head and shut the door again so he wouldn't hear it.
I just sat there on my bed looking at my now locked door. I pulled my shoes off, then sat on the floor with my legs crossed and my hands on my knees closing my eyes. Hello, beauty.
I swiveled into the darkness in my head finding the comfort my Mate does not wish to give. Yes, she can be dangerous, but when you were taught to control it as well as my Father taught me, it can be quite comforting.
The shadows danced on the walls in my head as the eerie cool breeze went down my spine. If you get scared or sad from her shadows she will consume you. She will control you to go out and find anything to rip apart to sate her hunger. Blood lust. If your lucky, she will just keep control and not give it back for days.
Beta's are different than Gamma's. While we have darkness, they bring the light. We are the balance to one another. Most would assume it would be the Alpha, but no. It has to be the Gamma and Beta.

The Gamma's Daughter
LobisomemMercy is the Daughter of the Gamma Cheryl Roads. She is a 20 year old woman filled with hate for her ex boyfriend and also the Alpha of her Pack. She suppress her anger by working hard to follow in her Mother's footsteps of becoming the best female...