I have to do something about it

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Andy's P.O.V

I woke up later than usual today. Michelle was no longer on the bed with me and her side was all tidy. She must be with C.C again.

I rolled my eyes to avoid thinking too much about the subject and went over to my chest. Inside I had the few pieces of clothing; all the clothing I owned. A pair of leather jackets, a leather vest, three muscle tees and two pairs of black skinny jeans. Jinxx's skills are developing for the better.

I picked out my leather vest, a random muscle tee, and a pair of skinny jeans. After getting dressed I went out to look for something to do.

The only thing on my mind these past days had been Michelle and her abbilities. And the thought of one of the guys making a move on her. It all made me feel sick so I tried distracting myself as much as I could.

So, why not try my luck at the piles of rubble? It should be fun.

The sun was blinding. It hurt to look at the sky. I tried to shield my eyes with my arm and made my way to the piles of rubble.

Jinxx's pile was huge. It was the biggest of them all. Next was C.C's and then Ashley's. Mine was almost nonexistent and Jake didn't have one.

He didn't like to play around with the guys much. He preferred studying inside his room all of the time. He comes out for meals and meetings, and to use the bathroom once in a while. But he was always inside.

I'm kind of scared for him because he doesn't do anything but study. His mourner abilities are unknown to us because he never shares. But he's really nice.

Sometimes we go into his room, individually of course, and we hang out. He's really funny too. And a great listener.

I approached the piles and stared at mine. It was completely pathetic. Two goddamn middle sized stones broken in half. I broke them with my boots. It took me two weeks. Two fucking weeks.

I sighed loudly. "Guess seeing the future won't make you popular." I murmured staring at the infamous pile of mine.

Maybe if I try really hard, I can see into the future and see how the guys will break the boulders for their piles. That way I can copy their moves.

I closed my eyes and thought about it real hard. Piles of rubble... piles of rubble... breaking rocks for the piles of rubble...

Nothing happened.

"Damn it." I murmured.

Michelle's P.O.V

"I can see it! Oh my fucking god, C.C, I can see it!" I screamed in excitement as I stared at C.C's green aura. It was glowing intensively, not flickering or anything.

"You can see it?! Oh my god, what color is it?"

"It's green! It's so pretty!" I said.

Chuppy's eyes shut in excitement as he lunged at me and gave me a spine crushing hug. "Hell yes! That's my favourite color!"

I guess these days of training had really paid off. My mind was stronger now and my constant fear of F.E.A.R returning to get me was disappearing. Life was good.
Soon I'll be able to tell Andy and the rest of the boys about my abilities and they'll help C.C and I figure out what they do, what the auras mean. I mean, I know they're there, but why do the boys glow?

Then just like C.C's aura had appeared, it suddenly vanished.

"Aw, it's gone." I complained.

C.C frowned a bit and shrugged. "That just means we have to keep training your mind to make it stronger. But, we'll get there don't worry."

I sighed. I was getting tired of being inside this room all of the time. I mean, I did want to get to know my abilities and make my mind stronger but... I was getting bored.

Plus, Andy was getting suspicious. He asked the other day what we did in here and I said we just hung out. Which isn't a lie, I mean we do hang out, but I didn't tell him about the training.

I don't want him to figure it out because then he's going to make a big deal about it. C.C's right, we should strengthen my mind first before telling anyone.

"I know." Chuppy said.

I looked at him quizzically. "What?"

"I know you're bored. You're sigh says it all." He explained. "Let's go outside and see what's up. Yeah?"

I stood up from the floor and stretched. "Yeah okay, let's go."

We walked together through the hallways towards the exit. I swear this place was a freaking maze. I always get lost no matter what.

"Why are you looking around like that?" C.C asked me as he tried to make sense of my rapid head turning.

"I'm trying to memorize my way around this damn place." I said.

"Do you still get lost?" C.C asked with a little something in his voice that told me he was about to start laughing at me.

I considered lying but gave up instantly.
"Yes. And I am not ashamed."

C.C erupted in laughter as he pushed the door that led outside. I pushed him a little on his shoulder playfully to stop him from laughing.

"Stop it Chupps!" I said with a smile knowing that he wasn't really laughing at me but just joking around.

Andy was outside too at the piles of rubble, trying to break a rock with his fist. When he heard us laughing he looked up.

Hello. I'm sick. .-. Thanks for reading this little fic. I appreciate all of your existences. Also I'm hungry. :p I know you guys probably don't care but thanks for reading. :) please comment and or vote if you likey. Have a purdy good day.

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