I was the F.E.A.R of men

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Andy's P.O.V

"I think F.E.A.R wants to come back." Jinxx said in the most serious tone I had ever heard him use since we'd escaped the claws of F.E.A.R.

I looked at him not knowing how to react. I, honeslty, was devastated. And mad. Oh goddamn I was furious. And to top it all off I was scared.

But I couldn't let the guys see how I felt, especially not Michelle. I was their leader, the guy they looked to for guidance when times got tough. And a leader blinded by their emotions was just as good as no leader at all.

So, collecting all of my emotions, I gave Jinxx a simple nod. I think it was time to tell them about my vision.

"I was afraid of this happening." I sighed.

Ashley cocked an eyebrow and took a step closer to me. He seemed scared that there was something more to this all and he was right.

"Andy what did you see?" Ashley asked knowing exactly where I was heading.

I guess that small vision was a vision after all and not just a memory. The F.E.A.R. guard standing over me was a prophecy. It was a thing to come.

Sooner or later they would come for us. The F.E.A.R guards and maybe even the matriarch. They're going to do something about it and we are not ready. Michelle still needs training and she's not ready for a battle.

We're also going to need an army. The five of us alone can't defeat F.E.A.R. The survivors are going to have to help. And we need to train them too... I mean they helped us defeat F.E.A.R the first time but, it's been a while.

We have a lot of work to do.

"Andrew, what did you see?" Jinxx said, waking me up from my mental rant. This wasn't being easy on me.

I took a deep breath before answering. "I was sitting in the grass patch, a couple days back and I had a vision. It was a F.E.A.R guard standing over me. But the funny thing is that I didn't have a trigger. I was alone." I sighed. "And it was so short too. I thought it was a simple memory but it was too vivid to be a memory."

"Goddamn." Ashley murmured under his breath.

C.C was in the back of the room looking like a scared little puppy and Michelle seemed on the verge of tears. This is exactly what I didn't want.

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you guys would get scared for no good reason." I said in a shaky voice. My hands were trembling behind my back. "But now that I know about this, I think it might be true."

"Listen, I think we should get ready just incase this gets big fast. The best time to start is now." Jinxx said as he started to pace around the room. "Andy what do you say?" He asked for approval.

I cleared my throat and mentally tried to force my hands to stop shaking. "Yes I agree. Jinxx please take Ashley with you and form a plan in the meeting room. We're going to have to get the survivors from the survivor camps and we need a plan." Jinxx and Ashley nodded at each other in agreement. "C.C please go and inform Jake about what's going on. I have to help Michelle keep training because she's not ready for a fight against F.E.A.R and we have to be in our best shape. Got it?"

Ashley and Jinxx left to go form a plan and C.C left to inform Jake about what was going on. Michelle and I were left alone in the room.

I looked over at her and her smile was shaking violently. She was trying to stay strong, I could see it. She didn't want this to get the best of her but it was hard.

I held out my arms for a hug and she practically ran towards me. She burried her face in my shirt as I stroked her hair.

"Don't worry. We beat them once, we'll beat them again." I said close to her ear in reassurance.

She pulled her head back away from my chest. Her eyes told me she was beyond scared but her smile told me otherwise.

"I'm not worried Andy. I know that all of you are incredibly talented and with your help in my training, I'll do good as well." She said.

"Hopefully." I said in a sigh. "Hopefully I can help you in time."

She frowned at me slightly. "Please don't talk like that. I know we'll be able to deliver. Just as you said, it's been done before so why can't it be done again?" She broke the hug and walked towards the door. I followed her outside walking close behind protectively.

Now that I knew a F.E.A.R. attack could emerge at any moment, she was not leaving my side.

"I suggest we start training now Prophet." She said sitting down on the grass patch. "What comes first?"

So I'm just going to leave this here. .-.

I'm With the Prophet (An Andy Biersack fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now