We are the Waiting

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Andy's P.O.V

Jinxx and Jake arrived two days later. I was standing outside while Michelle, Chuppy, and Ash trained in the meeting room and saw the army coming from the east.

I was right to say the survivors weren't many. As they came closer I counted and there were a total of twenty five plus Jinxx and Jake.

I wasn't sure if I should approach them or wait for them to arrive so I decided on telling the rest of the squad first.

I turned around and ran to the meeting room where the children were. I came in with a smile and they knew exactly what was going on.

Ashley pushed passed me and ran down the hallway with Chuppy on his tail. Michelle smiled but didn't run. Instead she came and stood next to me.

"They're here?" She asked. I hadn't heard her voice in a long time.

Since that night when I had the goddamn prophecy of the F.E.A.R guards arriving in... what? Five days?! Fuck...

I shook away the thought as I nodded and we both went outside to meet with the new house guests.

When we were outside the building Jinxx approached us and gave us a quick hug hello.

"I don't think we have much time. Just five days I think. Training starts now. Andy?" Jinxx said in all seriousness.

He always asked for my approval as the leader and I liked it. It made me feel like they truly needed me. Like, I was somebody's hero.

I nodded my approval and Jinxx took the survivors into the meeting room with Jake close behind.

Michelle clutched my arm as the survivors passed by us and into the house. I gave her a puzzled look but she shook her head no at me. I cocked an eyebrow but she gave me no response.

C.C and Ashley went with our new guests into the meeting room to help with the training but Michelle insisted we stay behind for a while.

I told C.C and Ash to go ahead and that we'd catch up and they waved they're understanding.

"Love, what's wrong?" I asked looking down at her.

I swear since that night she hasn't been herself. She's been too quiet and too lost in her own little world. It's killing me.

"They don't glow." She said looking into my eyes. "Andy that's progress. They don't glow. That has to mean something."
My heart fluttered with her smile as I saw her being herself again. This wasn't bad news and that was incredible.

I smiled wide and hugged her tight. "Things are turning around quickly don't you think? Let's go into the building, see what we can do."

Michelle's P.O.V.

They don't glow. They don't glow. They have no aura. They are normal people who don't glow. But Andy still did and so did the guys. This meant my abilities weren't flickering.

The survivors didn't glow.

Andy and I went into the meeting room and I swear my jaw dropped. I hadn't seen so many people in such a long time.

Boys and girls, all around our age, wearing black from head to toe filled our meeting room.

But there was something more that contributed to why I dropped my jaw. I had an impulse. Even though they had no aura, I still had an impulse to go up to them and check for a buzz.

So I did it.

I let go of Andy's hand without warning and went up to a random boy. I could hear Andy close behind me but he didn't stop me as I raised my hand and placed it on the guy's chest.

"What the fuck?" The guy said a low voice and tried to step back.

"Don't move." Andy ordered behind me as my hand finally touched the guy's chest.

An image of a cheetah appeared in my head, then a race car, and then a sprinter. I removed my hand quickly with a gasp as my regular mind came into focus.

"Are you fast?" I croacked.

"Huh?" The guy asked mindlessly.

"I said can you run? What's your name kid?" I asked breathlessly. What had just happened? What were these images in my head? Who was this guy?

"Phil." The guys said as he stared down at me with the most confused face I had ever seen.

I heard a noise behind me and saw Andy drop to the floor.

Andy's P.O.V

"Phil." The guys said.

Immediate trigger.

I felt my body give in as I collapsed on the floor. My muscles spasmed in a sort of painless seizure. I knew my eyes were glowing white again because my vision was gone as the prophecy I had when I first met Michelle continued.

There she was standing with the rest of the guys with her back to me. She wore her rebels jacket with the big star on the back. Her rebel name was clearly visible, The Recruiter.

She smiled at me and twirled around. "Like it?" She said.

"Gorgeous." I heard my voice say.

She laughed and came my way but my prophecy got fuzzy and disappeared little by little. My muscles stopped jerking violently and my vision came back.

Michelle's face was so close to mine when I finally came back to reality that I blinked a couple of times to realize what was going on.

"Andy are you okay?" She asked putting both hands on my face.

"Recruiter. The Recruiter." I said breathlessly. She got out of my way and I sat up.

The survivors were all around us watching as I stared at my girlfriend with the best news yet on the tip of my tongue. "You are The Recruiter."

The moment I was waiting for!! Yeah, I was waiting for it... Because yeah sometimes I do fangirl over my own fic. lol.

"Yeah. Okay is this 1800-I-Want-A-Friend-Badly?"

I'm With the Prophet (An Andy Biersack fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now