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Jeongin PoV

It started getting darker and darker. Time passed differently here. Where we were, it was dusk and the sun was setting. It was just before noon on the other side of the door. We walked through the field and came to a road. "We can walk down the street and see if it takes us to a town or something. We can ask if our group has been seen," I said, already starting to walk down the street. Changbin stopped and then said worried: "We don't know what it's like in this world. Maybe it's worse than in ours..."

"But we have to find out right? If we don't check we'll never know. So let's just trust that it's better here," I said, trying to smile. And so Changbin went along with me. My backpack was getting harder and harder to carry and I sat down on the next bench which appeared to be a bus stop bench. I sighed and pushed the backpack off my shoulders. I leaned against the wooden bench and only realized at that moment that it had already gotten dark. The only thing that got the streets were the lamposts. 

Chanbin sat down next to me and sighed as well. "I can carry it," he said, and I made a thanking noise. A short silence spread. "I miss them," I whispered. "I miss them too," whispered the older back.

"I was afraid I wouldn't see any of you again. But then you showed up and I had hope again. Now I'm scared what happens when we see the others again... I have a feeling something happened. I don't know why but thinking about seeing them again makes my stomach churn. I just hope I'm overthinking and nothing really bad happened," he said.

"I'm pretty sure the other six are fine. Don't worry too much," I said, smiling at the latter. I was worried too, but I tried to suppress those worries. We sat like that for a long time until we decided to continue walking. We walked the path in silence until we discovered lights. Lights from houses. My eyes widened. 

We had arrived in a small town and it looked safe. "Maybe we should move our search to tomorrow. We don't know what time it is. It's dark, maybe some people are already asleep or want to be left alone," Changbin said and I nodded. "We should look for a place to stay," I said, so we started looking for a hotel or something similar. We found a hotel fairly quickly, but the problem was money. We didn't have any. 

Changbin started arguing with the hotel owner. "We don't have any money. We're coming from far away and we just need a place to sleep for one night. We'll do anything for it," he said, and the hotel owner raised an eyebrow. "Everything?" Changbin nodded. The elderly man was fumbling for something in a drawer until he had a key in his hand and offered it to us. "You can stay here for one night if you help out the waiters in the morning," he said and we thanked him. Everything went smoothly and way too fast.

I was laying in a double bed next to Changbin and tried to sleep. It was nice to be in a bed again and not on the hard floor. I literally sank into the mattress and relaxed. The one next to me started to snore. He probably had a similar feeling as I did at that moment. Everything started to change for the better. I closed my eyes and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Feb 27th 2023

I don't like the chapter but ok ~Yumi

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