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AN/ Last update for today (until later when I wake up since it's 2.30 am)

Ashton pov (ok so most of this will be in Ashton pov unless otherwise announced bc I don't want to keep writing that it's Ashtons pov ok?)

"You're definitely something Ashton." Michael mutters, he sits down on my bed and buttons my suit back up.

"Don't eat alone with a guard, the room is much saver. The words are harsh but they won't touch you in the room." Michael tells me, I nod at him and then curl up under my cover.

"Are you sleepy?" Michael asks me.

"Yes, but I can't sleep." I tell him, knowing full well that I'll have nightmares and I'll be awake half the night if I don't cuddle with Luke or Calum.

"I'll stay here, so nobody can come in ok? I'll be on my bunk." Michael says, he climbs up onto his bunk. After a few minutes however he sighed and jumps down.

"Get on the top bunk, you're much saver up there." Michael tells me, I frown at him since I didn't know what he meant with saver, I was never going to be safe in this place.

"If a guard or something comes in, he'd have to get on the bunk to get to you. I'll kick him in the balls if he tries to get to you." Michael says, I giggle and something in his look changes. He just looked at me with a slight disgusted look on his face before, with pity and shame blended into it but now, his eyes flased a little like joy?

I thanked him and crawled up onto his bunk, he lay down on my bunk and then chuckled.

"What?" I ask, leaning over the side and looking at him.

"Your pillow smells like cookie dough." He replies, I sigh and nod my head, then I roll over and lie back down. I'm never going to smell like cookie dough again! All my perfume, my shampoos, my body wash! EVERYTHING was left behind.

"You're crying again." Michael huffs, he kicked the bunk, making me cry out in pain and roll over, hissing at the feeling on my back.

"Oh shit, are you ok?" Michael asks, his head popping up next to the bed.

"Y-yeah m'fine." I mutter, I knew I shouldn't be crying and I knew I had to quit. Nobody here is ever going to leave me alone if they keep seeing me this weak.

"Did I hurt you?" Michael asks me, he sounded worried so I shook my head.

"N-no, just I'm sorry for crying, it's my first day and all." I admit to him.

"Don't show them weakness Ashton." Michael muttered, then he just moved and lied down again, he started to fully ignore my soft sobs and cries for my friends.

After what felt like hours of tossing and turning I finally fell asleep, hating the fact I didn't have a cuddle buddy, hating the fact I couldn't smell my vanilla scent, hating the fact I wasn't in my lacy panties and baggy t-shirt. How was I supposed to survive like this??

~~ "Hey Ashton, my little boy, how was class today. Come sit on pops knee and tell me all about it" my dad said, I went over to him, with my little pink skirt on and sat on his lap.

"There were this meanies that teased me about my skirt." I admitted to him.

"Don't pay attention to them, do youwant papi to show you how pretty you are?"

"No it's ok." I answered, pushing his hand off of my thigh.

"You don't get to say no to me!" He yelled, he picked me up and brought me upstairs.



"NO PAPI PLEASE" I screamed, sitting up.

"ASHTON!" I heard Luke call from downstairs, there was also a guard about to unlock the door.

"Fuck off!" Michael groaned, pushing the guard away again, he sounded so fucking hot right now. He looked over at me with a glare but his look softened as he laid his eyes on me.

He sighed and climbed up on the bunk with me, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against his chest.

"Sleep before I decide to shank you in the showers." Michael muttered, his threat should have scared me but all I did was wrap my arm around him and snuggled closer to his chest.

"Fucking pussy." He mumbled before kissing the top of my head and humming softly until I fell asleep again.

AN/ Michael, why you so confusing? Like what? You call him names and then go cuddle him???? What's yo problem?

Also a little look into Ashton's past, yeah so who can guess who Luke, Calum and Ashton murdered??? Bc they did get sent here for murder ^^

And now I'm off to bed, goodnight, goodmorning and good evening, wherever you are!!

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