The Cellmate

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After lunch Luke, Calum and I hang out outside, we get an hour after lunch before we have to go to our cells and stay there until dinner. I didn't like this, I liked the sun and the fresh air and getting a tan!

We never found out who the 'Bossman' was but we saw some really big buff guys and assumed it was one of them. Luke and Calum stayed at my side constantly, either one had an arm around me at all times.

"BREAK IS OVER, EVERYBODY GET TO YOUR CELLS!" a voice calls over the intercom.

Luke and Calum walked me to the bottom of the stairs that lead up to my cell, there they were stopped by the guards.

"Hemmings and Hood, you are at the bottom, you can't go up the stairs." The guard said that had stopped them.

"Can we just take out friend to his cell?" Luke asks, eyeing me carefully, I was already starting to tremble and Luke noticed.

"You can watch us go, just 1 of us!" Calum says, also noticing my state.

"No, you aren't to go up there, the rules apply to all of you! Now let Irwin head up the stairs himself, or can he suddenly not walk?" The guard asks.

"It's ok guys, my cell's right by the stairs, I'll be ok." I tell him, they gave me a hug and then I quickly ran up the stairs.

"Look at his hair bounce, bet it'll bounce like that when I bend him over in the shower." A voice calls, my heart is thumping loud as I get to my cell, bumping into whoever was there already.

"Watch it, flowerboy." The sexiest voice I've ever heard said to me. I looked up into the eyes of my cellmate, he was about 5 inches taller than me, be being just 5'7. He had a pale complexion but it suited him nicely, nice green eyes that were raking over my body as I stared at him, and bright blue hair.

"S-sorry." I muttered, I moved past him and then looked at the bunks.

"You sleep on the bottom." The guy huffs, I nod and lie down, facing the wall because I really didn't want to talk to him.

My cellmate got onto his bunk and then it was silent for a while, until I groand realizing I needed to pee.

"What?" the guy snaps at me, obviously not being a happy person. Which scared me, but at least he hasn't talked about my ass like most people here.

"Nothing." I whisper, I started to move about, getting restless since I really had to go, but I couldn't because the toilet was in clear view and anybody walking past would see me. I was in a jumpsuit with a white t-shirt under it, meaning I still had to pull the jumpsuit all the way down. I didn't like being exposed like that. I didn't like not having my sweaters, or my lace panties. I felt naked without my flowercrown.

"Stop moving about, what is your problem?" the guy snaps, hanging his head down to glare at me.

"I euh I need to ehm, pee." I state, he rolled his eyes.

"What affraid I might rape you while you're peeing?" He says, looking even angrier.

"Ehm no, I just... it's in full view." I whispered, should I mention I didn't pee standing up? Oh gosh is he did that anybody would have a clear view of his ass! NO WAY! NOPE! Not happening!

"Oh is the little boy shy? What you got a small cock?" He asks, his words making me cringe.

"I'm not going to look." The guy huffs, rolling onto his back.

"The people across the hall might." I whisper, I then turned around again, jsut hoping that I could hold it in until I could get to the main bathrooms and go there.

"Oh my gaws!" I exclaim, stuffing my face in my pillow.

"What NOW?" He exclaims, I could hear him jump off his bunk.

"I just realized I have to shower in front of eveybody." I whimpered, feeling tears come down my cheeks, I couldn't help it. I couln't stop the tears, or the fear of what might happen in the showers.

"Look if you want me to, I'll like block you from view or something." The guy mutters, I move to look at him.

"So you can pee." He says, looking over at the bars.

"Ehm, thanks?" I whisper, he shrugs and stands in front of the toilet, blocking it from view. I guess I could pee standing up for once right? I need to learn if I'm stuck here for life.

AN/ Heheheheh, so many updates. I just got randomly very inspired for this :p

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