Don't worry about me

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AN/ So here's another update, I am feeling proud of myself for my amount of updates this week ^^ 

The next morning Michael didn't know what to do anymore, he'd promised to keep Ashton save but if he couldn't convince the right people to help him out then how was he going to keep his promise. He had this sick feeling in his stomach as he looked at the sleeping boy in his arms. 

He looked at the way Ashton's hair was a wavy mess, how his eyelashes fluttered a bit while he was dreaming. He looked at how Ashton's pretty dark pink lips were set in a small smile, and how his hand had a tight grip on Michael's arm. Michael enjoyed seeing the smaller boy look so peaceful because whenevr he was awake Michael could see the always evident look of fear in his eyes. Ashton would always keep looking around even with Michael with him, he didn't trust his surroundings but Michael understood. 

"Morning." Ashton muttered, oh and Michael couldn't help but smile at the low husky morning voice of his beloved. 

"Goodmorning beautiful." Michael says, smilling at the blush creeping up on Ashton's face. He wouldn't never get tired of seeing Ashton blush just because of a couple of simple words. 

"Did you sleep well?" Ashton asks, looking up into Michaels tired looking eyes.

"I slept fine and you?" Michael asks back, Ashton frowns because he can tell Michael is not only lying but also is lacking sleep. 

"Don't lie to me Michael." Ashton says, looking away from him.

"I didn't sleep, but don't worry. Please don't worry about me." Michael whispered, pulling Ashton closer to him. 

"Why would you lie if I can see it?" Ashton asks. 

"I'm sorry Cookie, I just don't want you to worry. I was just too busy thinking about how perfect you are." Michael admits, that was what he'd been doing well and worrying but mostly thinking about how he's going to miss holding and kissing Ashton when he has to leave. He's going to miss that cute little giggle, those adorable dimples and how Ashton hugs him, holding him so close like he's affraid to let go. 

Michael had never been an affectionate person, de didn't like hugs or touching another person in general but for some reason he just couldn't imagine keeping his hands off of the beauty in front of him.

"You're not lying." Asthon says.

"Of course not, how could I sleep if the most amazing dream is in my arms. How do I close my eyes and fall asleep when I'd rather be awake and holding you." Michael says, Ashton giggles and bites his lip to hold his smile back. 

"I-I-" Ashton stuttered, he couldn't finish his sentence because a guard came to the door and demanded Michael would go with him. Reluctantly Michael got up. 

"I'll be back in a bit yeah." Michael says, Ashton nods and lies down and Michael leaves and the cell gets locked behind him. 

"I love you." Ashton whispers as he hears Michaels footsteps fade away.

Ashton soon falls asleep, thinking Michael would wake him up when he got back. 

But when Ashton woke up the next morning, Michael still wasn't there. Sinclair came to get him and didn't say anything about what was going on. When both lunch and dinner also passed Ashton was starting to get really worried. Where had Michael gone to and what if he never came back?

AN/ Ok so idk if I will write that Michael comes back in the next chapter or not? What do you guys want? Either Michael comes back (making this story 1 chapter longer) or not. BTW this story has like 5 chapters left I think. I haven't written any chapters so IDK what is going on but it'll be like 5 more probably. 


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