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AN/ I wrote this and then it suddenly deleted half the chapter and now I know I won't be able to rewrite what I wrote... this won't be as good as what I origninally wrote. Like I can't remember what it was I wrote I was just 'in the zone' :s sorry if this sucks now.

"What?" I called out to whoever was at the cell door. Michael moved off of me, making me groan at the loss of contact. 

"Thanks mate, bye now." Michael says, he moves back to on top of me and he moves something in front of my eyes, suddenly making my vision come back.

"Ah my glasses." I cheer, Michael smiles down at me and then licks his lips.

"Your eyes look amazing and you're so cute." Michael whispers to me, leaning his whole body closer to mine. 

"Thanks." I whisper back, feeling myself blush at how Michael is looking at me.

"Can I continue?" Michael asks me, I nod slowly. Michael presses his lips against my jawline and then up my cheek until his lips press against my lips. 

Michaels lips were so soft and so smooth it was almost unnatural, I couldn't describe what it felt like to be kissed by Michael. My mind goes blank and this feeling of happiness flows over me, sort of like an orgasm but not that messy. 

"Kissing you is so nice, you've got perfect lips Cookie. All of you is perfect to me." Michael humms to me. His left hand was trailing up and down my thigh as he spoke, sending a shiver down my spine. 

His lips moved down my neck, then further down my chest as he continued to unbutton my jumpsuit, when he got to the last button he moved back up. My breathing had gotten slightly faster as he was kissing over my stomach, now he was back to being face-to-face with me and I knew I was blushing like crazy.

"Tell me if you want me to stop ok, promise me you'll make me stop if you feel uncomfortable." Michael tells me, his eyes holding a slight bit of fear as he looked at me.

"I promise." I reply, he nods and then smiles as he runs his fingers down my chest. I grabbed onto his jumpsuit with my right hand as my left was grabbing the sheet that was on the bed. 

He ran his fingers along the fabric of my panties slowly, not touching me where I so desperately wanted him to touch me. Shivers ran up and down my spine as he kept moving his finger over my abdomen, like he was waiting for something.

"You still good?" he asks me softly, his lips were spressing soft lingering kisses up and down my neck. 

"M'good, please touch me." I plead, really wanting to feel him touch me. 

"That's al I wanted to hear." He chuckles before slipping his fingers behind the fabric of my panties and slipping them over my ass.  My hard on slapped onto my stomach, making me blush fiercely because Michael was so close to me and I've never had a guy actually want to touch me in such a tender way that Michael was. One of his fingers drew a line up my shaft, making me moan out rather loudly at the gentle touch. 

"So cute how you're blushing for me baby." Michael mutters, he kissed me gently at first, his lips slowly moving with mine. I gasped and grabbed a hold of his hair as hsi fingers wrapped around my hard lenght. The moan that errupted from deep within me was luckily muffled by Michael's mouth and he took his chance to push his tongue into my mouth. Arching my back at the feeling of him slowly pumping, I bit his bottom lip wishing myself to shut up because everybody could hear us. 

Michael moved away from me, smirking at me as he shuffled down the bed, he motioned for me to sit up, so I did and I pulled the jumpsuit over my arms and down my back.

"You're so beautiful Cookie." Michael humms, moving his hand a bit faster as he kisses down my chest. 

"Hmm Michael." I groaned, I was leaning on my elbows as Michael pushed my legs appart and moved to sit between them. The bed not giving us much space, but we made it work. He looked up at me with so much lust in his eyes as he brought his lips to my tip. 

He swirled his tongue around my tip, making my hips jerk up to feel more off him. His fingers of his left hand slid to my hips to hold me down. 

"Mi- oooh damn." I moaned out, not being able to keep it in because well how do you keep it in when a guy like Michael was giving you the most pleasure you've ever felt. 

"Scream for me baby, I want them all to hear. Want them all to hear how good I make you feel, only me." Michael whispers once his lips are removed from me, he kissed my hip a few times before putting them back around my tip, bringing that heavenly feeling back to me. 

My head fell back as my body tensed up, the feeling of Michael's fingertips on my hips was ever present as was the feeling of his lips. I moaned loudly as Michael took more of me in, gaggling lightly before pulling back a bit, the feeling of him gagging sent a shiver down my spine, the feeling unknown for me like the rest of what he was doing to me. 

My stomach cramped up and all of a sudden my mind was a blur, a blur of Michael's lips, Michaels fingers, Michaels tongue, Michael just all Michael. Sweat covered my body, making the sheets stick to my arms and lower back and my jumpsuit clamming onto my legs. 

Everythingt felt like it was numb except for where Michael's skin touched mine, that was on fire. I couldn't feel my arms but somehow I still held myelf up. 

The air around me felt more dense as it was getting harder to breathe, my chest felt tight at the ragged and deep breaths I was trying to take. Every breat out was more shaky than the last and my eyes seemed to have fogged over. Sweat trickled down my face as I tilted my head back, no longer being able to hold it up. My moans were sounded out by the beat of my heart that was thumping loudly in my chest and felt like it was in my head, the clenching in my groin got unbearable, I needed release. 

"M-MICHAEL!" I screamed out, my whole body went from feeling numb to feeling like I was going to explode and then it all just went numb again but not the same kind of numb. This kind of numb was the feeling you get after pushing your body to the absolute limit and then lying down to rest. A peacefull kind of numb and I liked it. 

Michael didn't say anything as he pulled my panties back up, he dind't say anything as he pulled me back onto the bed properly so my head was on the cushion. He didn't say a word as he pressed my sweat covered back against his jumpsuit covered chest. His breaths were erratic as he pressed kisses to my neck, not bothering to talk to me so he started humming until I drifted off to sleep. 

AN/ ok I feel good about this but not as good as I felt with what I'd originally wrote :s sorry I hope this is good :s I tried to make it more about how it made Ashton feel than about the Action itself. 

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