Feeling pretty again

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Michael had been with me almost constantly over the next few weeks, he'd only leave me alone with Luke and Calum when we ate and during our free time, but he was always there to drop me off and drag me back to our cell when needed. He showered next to me, everytime and he always handed me my towel when I was done and watched me as I changed. He stood behind me as I peed and stood at the stall when needed.

He'd sometimes hold my hand or rub my leg as we talked and I really liked it. We still haven't found the bossman but seen as none of us have been harmed I assumed we were on his good side.

"Morning Cookie." Michael says as I jump off of my bunk. Yep he still called me cookie, eventhough I don't smell like cookies anymore.

"Don't call me that, it remind me about how I smell like a motel bathroom." I huff, not liking this at all.

"Aww come on Cookie, you haven't complained yet." He says, he moves to stand next to me as we wait for the guard to arrive with our new jumpsuits. Clean ones, and I'd showered last night late so I was feelign at least a bit clean.

"Yeah well now I smell plain, my legs are hairy, my hair is a mess. I disgust myself." I huff.

"Aww Cookie, no you're dorable." Michael cooes, he grabs my hand and runs his thumb up and down it.

"Why do you keep doing this?" I ask, pulling my hand away from him.

"Doing what?" He asks back.

"Being all nice to me and then backing away like I'm disgusting." I tell him, he shrugs.

"I'm just not used to sharing a cell, or having friends for that matter. Especially not ones as cute as you." He replies, winking at me, and yes I blushed, I blushed like crazy.

"Clifford, Irwin. Come with me." Sinclair says, normally he wasn't here, I wonder whats going on. I looked over at Michael and he just put his hand on the low of my back and pushed me towards the guard, following right behind me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Don't ask questions." Sinclair ways, I sigh and then smile as I get pushed into a room with Macy.

"Hey Ashton, long time no see." She says, I just nod at her.

"I guess you're wondering why you're here?" Macy asks me.

"Yeah, like am I gettign a check up? If so, why is Michael outside?" I ask her.

"This is a check up, but also, we got you this." Macy says, she hands me an orange jumpsuit to which I raised my eyebrow.

"It seems like you've made a very powerfull friend." Macy says, she then hands me a small bag. I open it and scream, running over to hug her.

"OH MY GOSH!! THANK YOU!" I squeal at her, hugging her tight.

"Get a shower then and change." Macy says, there was a little shower in the corner, full in view but I didn't care, not one little bit because when I looked at the window, I saw Michaels now pitch black hair, I wondered how he was allowed to dye it, but he was and I helped him. Michael was standing in front of the window to block the view. So as quickly as I could I got out of the jumpsuit and grabbed the bag, pulling out my shampoo and conditioner.

"How did hoever got this for me know which shampoo I use?" I asked Macy.

"I don't know but whoever it is knew you well enough." She replies, she was looking at me, which I found a bit creepy but well she needed to know I wasn't going to try and kill her, which I sort of understood. I washed my hair and then conditioned it as I washed my body.

"There's a raisor in there too sweetheart." Macy says, I turn around to look at her with wide eyes.

"You're messing with me right?" I ask her, she shakes her head so I dig into the flower patterned bag, pulling out a venus raisor.

"I love whoever got me this!" I say, just feeling utterly in bliss as I could finally shave again. I mean yeah they let you shave your beard once in a while but now, now I was soft and smelled like cookie dough! I was clean like I liked it.

"I almost feel exactly like myself again." I said happily, looking at Macy.

"Wait until you get dressed." Macy says, handing me the pile of clothes. I look in awe at the pink lace panties that were there, I quickly pull them on and sigh happily, then I open the jumpsuit. Not only was this a girl jumpsuit, meaning it was tighter around my waist and just overal tighter, the inside was lined with satin pink panther print. I pulled it on and then rolled the ends up to show my ankles, as I pulled on the ankle socks and the white loafers I knew I felt like myself. I was happier than I'd been in such a long time.

"Oh wow, I feel so good." I mutter, twirling around and loving the feeling of the satin against my smooth legs and thighs.

"That was acutally specially made for you. You have 7 of them, so enough to get changed into each time." Macy informs me, I go over and hug her again, thanking her multiple times.

"This shower bag is going to the guards and whenever you request a shower it will be brought with a towel, a pink one from now on, just for you." Macy says, well I feel all special now!

"How is this even allowed?" I asked her, she just shrugs.

"There's powerful people with a lot of money on the outside that want you to feel pretty apparently." She states, I frown because I didn't know anybody with a lot of money or power on the outside, or in here either. I looked at the door and wonder how Michael will reacht to seeing me like this. I hope he likes it because I sort of like him, like a lot.

"If only you had a flower crown, but we can't get you those." Macy says, eyeing me up and down.

"It's ok, this is all I need." I reply, then I walk to the door and get nervous as I could head the doorlock click, I hope Michael likes it, and me.

AN/ SO basically, somebody 'on the outside' has made arrangements for Ashton to have all these things. Who do you think did this and why do you think they did it?? This is the last update I'll be doing for 2 weeks. See/read you on Wednesday 10 June!!

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