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"Wow, Cookie you look gorgeous." Michael says as he eyes me up and down, I bit my lip to hold back a giggle.

"Really pretty." He then whispers, I couldn't hold myself back anymore so I giggled and hugged him, he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and picked my up, twirling me around.

"I really want to know who did this for me, I have no idea who cares this much about me." I whisper to him, he raises an eyebrow and then shrugs.

"Somebody cares and that's all that matters right?" He asks, I nod and as he puts me down he holds on to my hips for a few seconds before Sinclair tells us to get to breakfast.

"Oh my gaws Luke and Calum are going to be so surprised to see me like this!" I gush, walking next to Michael as we head back to the main room.

"Maybe I'll stay in the room a little longer so you can have your time with the boys." Michael tells me, I nod at him happily but then Sinclair whispers something to him, Michael frowns and then nods at Sinclair.

"I've got a visitor coming later so ehm, I hope you'll be ok." Michael says, he put his hand on my back as we walk, the feeling making me feel all fuzzy on the inside.

"Ehm yeah I'll be ok." I reply, Michael removed his hand from me as we reach the room, the doors opened so I scanned the room for Luke and Calum, but they were already right in front of me before I could blink.

"Oh my gaws Ashton! How did you get all of this?" Calum asks me, hugging me tightly.

"Somebody on the outside is all I was told. I feel so pretty." I tell him, there was wolf whistles all around the room but today I didn't care.

"I hope whoever this is isn't expecting something from you in return." Luke mutters, I froze because I didn't even think of that, but no Macy said somebody on the outside!

"What's somebody on the outside going to do to me?" I ask him, he shrugs.

"You smell so nice too." Luke says, we walked back to where Calum and Luek were sitting and I grimaced at the food that was on my tray.

"Aah this isn't yours Mr. Irwin." A guard says, I look up at him and he hands me a tray of food. However I didn't trust it because it was fruitloops, and why would a guard get me fruitloops. I just stared down at it but the guard rolled his eyes and took a spoonfull of it so then I started eating it.

"You've got yourself like a sugar daddy or something! Hole fuck I want fruitloops!" Luke huffed, I shrugged and then gave him a spoonfull and Calum also. I wat trying my best to ignore all the guys staring as I moaned happily at the taste of my food.

"Bet he's a screamer if he moans like that about food." Somebody says but I didn't care, not right now.

"Hey ehm, we've got visitors today." Luke tells me, they had to stand up and go to the visiting room, I nodded because they always had to go to visiting room so I often went to my cellroom or got waited by the stairs for Michael.

"Irwin, The Hemming's family has requested you too." A guard says, I look over at Luke and he smiles, so I grab his hand and walk to the visiting room with him.

"Little Bro! Aww and our fave little princess!" Jack and Ben call out as Luke and i make our way over to them, they hug us both and Ben and Jack look me over.

"How did you get this fixed?" Jack asks, he runs his fingers through my hair and I smile at him thankfully, Luke and I had to get our handcuffs cuffed to the table right after our hug. I felt eyes on me so I looked around, I spotted Michael and he smiled at me, the man he was with looked over and smiled at me to but Jak and Ben pulled my attention back to them. I wonder who Michael was with, the guy looked buff and tall with grey hair slicked back and he was in a black suit from what I could see.

"How are things then Ashy? Sorry we didn't ask about you before but since we're not immediate family we weren't allowed to see you at first." Ben says, he grabs my hand and runs his thumb over the back of my hand soothingly.

"I'm good, thank you for asking for me this time, I dislike being in there all alone." I admit to them.

"Nobody has touched you innapropraitely have they?" Jack asks me, I shook my head and felt myself blush.

"Oooh what's that blush for?" Ben asks me.

"His cellmate." Luke laughed.

"Cellmate?" Jack asks.

"Shut up Luke." I hiss.

"Ashton has the biggest crush EVER on his Cellmate and this guy, well his name is Michael. Michael protects him from everybody. Like seriously, he picks Michael up after dinner and when we have to go outside, he like passes Ashton on to us and picks him back up again as well and they cuddle at night!" Luek gushes, raising his voice a little, I felt myself blush more, hoping he'd shut up.

"Awww Ashton's crushing on Michael!" Jack screams, my eyes widen and I jank at my handcuffs.

"Shut the hell up! He's like 3 tables over you muffhead!" I yell at him, I heard a chuckle, a very familiar chuckle making me groan and wish I could just die on the spot.

"Oh fuck him and that guy he's with are totally staring at you right now!!" Luke says.

"Hey, he's cute." Ben then chimes in.

"He's hot, Ashton you should lose your virginity to him!" Jack then and.

"Oh my gaws Jack! Can you not! I- Just- Why can't you guys shut up!" I whine, I could feel Michael's eyes on me and I fely myself looking up at him. Him and the guy he was with were both looking at me with smiles and then He winked at me. Michael winked at me and I might have just got a boner.

AN/ Aww this was so cute because the Hembro's call Ashton Princess and they totally let Michael know Ashton has a crush on him!

Who do you think Michael is with? How do you think Ashton is getting all these new things? How do you think Michael is going to act around Ashton now since he knows?

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