You're the cutest murderer

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"Let's go on your bunk." Michael says as he lifts me onto my bunk, he stands between my legs and rubs his hands up and down my thighs. He then removed my loafers and his before climbing up with me.

"Michael, ehm about what I said earlier." I whisper, I didn't want to talk about it, not at all but I needed to know for sure he knows how I feel.

"You don't need to explain yourself Cookie." Michael says, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

"I just, are you ok with that?" I ask him, he humms.

"That's not an answer Michael." I sigh.

"Look Cookie, I'm fine with not having sex with you! I like you so much, not for your body but for who you are. I know what's happened to you, why you're here, do you really think I'll make you do something like that? No, if you don't want it then we won't do it. But if I masturbate in the shower you'd better not stop me or call me gross." Michael tells me.

"EW you'd masturbate in the shower!" I exclaim, pushing myself away from him.

"Babe, with you naked in the booth next to me, how could I not?" He replies with a smirk.

"Gross Michael!" I groan, hiding my face in his neck.

"I'll look at you and moan your name, thinking about you while I jack off." Michael whispers.

EW Oh My Gaws shut up! Shut up Shut up!" I whisper.

"Hmm thinking about how hot you'd feel around me." Michael goes on, I could just hear the smile in hs voice.

"That's it, we're done. Nope, never showering with you ever again! You're so gross." I tell him, turning around in his grip.

"Do you want to change cells aswell?" Michael asks me, he kissed my neck as he tightened his grip around me.

"NO! Then I'd definately get raped." I mutter.

"Ooh and we can't have that happen, you're precious little booty is mine." Michael whispers, one of his hands goes down to my butt and he squeezes lightly.

"MICHAEL!" I scream, turning around and slapping his chest playfully. He was smiling at me, his eyes almost shining with joy.

"Like I'd ever let you switch cells, you're mine Princess. You're mine in the most caring, romantic way ever." He says, looking me straight in the eyes.

"We're in jail Michael, nothing is romantic in here." I tell him.

"I think me beating up guys that talk shit about you is real fucking romantic." Michael huffs, I giggled and pressed my lips to his, just because I felt like it. His lips moved gently against mine, his hands moved to my hips and then one of them went up to my cheek as he slowly pulled away.

"You're real romantic Michael." I tell him.

"I try." He replies, his thumb was stroking over my cheek and then he ran his hand through my hair. 

Once he'd cupped my cheek again he licked his lips and looked down at mine. 

"I really like you a lot Cookie, I hope you know that and I'll always protect you. I can't give you everything you deserve but I can give you my heart, since that's all I have right now." He says to me, his voice was a bit shaky. 

"I don't deserve anything, I'm a murderer Michael." I huff.

"That asshole deserved what he got for doing what he did to you. Don't ever blame what happened to him on yourself." He tells me, I sigh and roll my eyes at him.

"Michael, I did it. I was there, I knew where the gun was. I watched my two best friends beat him close to death and then, then I shot him. He looked up at me and told me he he never loved me, then I shot him. It was me, Luke and Calum pleaded that I hadn't done it, they said it was Calum. Calum was going to take the fall for me. I did it though and we all got sent here, I shot my dad, in the heart. How can you look at me and not see me as a murderer." I whimper the last bit, a sob leaving my lips.

"How did the police come up with the idea that you planned this?" Michael asks me.

"Luke, Calum and I were joking about offing him like a week before that in school. One of my teachers heard it and testified against us. We were joking really, I would never plan to hurt my dad, it just happened. He raped me again, and beat me so I called Calum and Luke to come pick me up. My dad, he almsot choked me to death. When Luke and Calum saw the fingerprints they flipped out, they started beating him up, at first I wanted them to stop but when I saw how much pain he was in, I enjoyed it. I actually liked seeing him hurt for once." I whisper, I gripped onto Michael's jumpsuit in fear that he'd get off the bunk and leave me after my confession.

"Cookie, calm down yeah baby. I don't care about that, I care about you and not about what you got sent here for. You didn't mean to do it, you might think you did but you didn't plan for it to happen. Even if you were a cold blooded murderer, you're the cutest one out there." Michael says, he then leant down and pressed his lips to mine, pulling me closer to his body like he was affraid I'd run off.

AN/ I feel like I should have warned you about this, but idk I guess it was time for the whole story on why Luke, Calum and Ashton are in jail for murder First Degree. Now you know the truth, but when will we know why Michael is inside? 

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