I didn't know

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AN/ another update... I am doing this update and then finishing a task I have that should be finished today but it's ok if I finish it tomorrow :D There is an important AN at the bottom of this chapter please read it!

Ashton hadn't seen Michael all day, he was very worried and when he climbed into bed at night he knew he was going to stay up all night because he just didn't feel safe without Michael there. 

Luke and Calum were nervous not for themselves but for Ashton because the next morning Ashton looked like he didn't get a bit of sleep, he was tired, his eyes drooping and his hair a mess. 

"Are you ok Ashy?" Luke asked, holding his friends hand.

"I didn't sleep, I can't sleep. I feel eyes on me constantly. I don't know where Michael is and I'm affraid." Ashton admits. Calum and Luke share a nervous look, they knew Ashton wouldn't get better if Michael didn't come back. 

"Where do you think he is? Maybe Isolation?" Calum asks, Ashton shrugs. 

"Mr. Irwin." Sinclair said from behind them, Ashton just huffed, not even going to argue.

"Yeah?" Ashton asks.

"WOW not even argueing, you must have had a rough night. Come with me, you have a visitor." Sinclair said.

"Oh and me?" Luke asks, looking hopefull but Sinclair shakes his head. Luke huffs and frowns at me.

"Who could it be?" Luke asks because it was obviously not his family.

"I don't know." Ashton replied, really not understanding who it could be. Maybe his mother but she had moved. Was it somebody else? 

"Who is it?" Ashton asks Sinclair as he starts walking to the visiting area with Sinclair, he handcuffs back on as they walked up the steps.

"Wait and see." Sinclair said with a smirk.

"Michael?" Ashton asks as he gets walked to a table that has Michael sat on it. Michael was wearing a ripped tank top with black skinny jeans and matblack doc martens, he had a red and black flannel hung over the chair and a piercing his his eyebrow.

"Cookie." Michael says, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend, Ashton however pushed him away and sat down as he got cuffed to the table.

"I'm so sorry Cookie, I didn't know." Michael says, he sat down and ran a hand over his face. Ashton didn't reply so Michael tried grabbing his hands, if Ashton wasn't cuffed to the table he would have pulled his hands away.

"Cookie please, you've got to believe me. I didn't know, I really didn't! My sentance ended, I'm free again. I would do anything to be back in there with you, baby trust me but my dad needs me. I can't go back." Michael says, he was trying to keep his voice low and calm but he felt his bottom lip tremble as he noticed the tears rolling down Ashtons cheeks.

"You're leaving, you didn't even say goodbye!" Ashton croaked out.

"That's why I'm here, they wouldn't let me say goodbye to you yesterday. I had a lot of convincing to do before they even let me visit you." Michael says, Ashton looks up at him, clouded Hazel eyes meeting pleading Emerald greens.

"Why are you here? To break up with me now?" Ashton asks.

"Of course not! Cookie I'll come and visit every day if I can!" Michael says, he can feel Ashton trying to pull his hands out of his. 

"I want to go back to my cell!" Ashton says, looking at Sinclair. Michael reluctantly let go of Ashtons hands. 

"Ashton, stay with me just a bit longer." Michael begged.

"For what? Just extending the amount of time I am safe for, for now? What's the use Michael! I'm not safe anymore and the one person I thought wouldn't hurt me has just hurt me more than my dad ever did." Ashton whispers. 

"Cookie, I'll be here tomorrow I promise." Michael says.

"What's the fucking use of you showing up here when we both know that tomorrow I'll be in the infirmery!" Ashton yells, catching the attention of multiple people.

"Why would you be in the infirmery?" Michael asks.

"Because it fucking hurts to get raped and shanked!" Ashton says, Michaels eyes glowed a darker shade of green.

"Who touched you." Michael demanded.

"Nobody, yet." Ashton muttered and Michael couldn't help it anymore when Ashton showed that look of pure hurt and fear, Michael let tears roll down his cheeks as Sinclair cuffed his boyfriend and walked him out of the room.

"I love you Cookie." Michael whispered. Michael was sure Ashton hadn't heard him and he was right, all Ashton could hear was the soft echo of his fathers voice telling him that nobody was ever going to love him and the thumping of his racing heard. 

AN/ Oh-oh!!!!! Shit just happened!! What is going to happen next??

Important!!! So since this story is getting close to finishing I'd like to know what everybody would want me to update. I have a book of ideas and if you could go read the ideas and comment a top 3 on the first chapter (the blurb) or inbox me your top 3 (plus the couples if those weren't specifically noted) then I will choose the top one to start writing, also keep an eye on my message board because I do post things about what I am doing and also I do reply if somebody says something.

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