What now?

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AN/ so I wanted to update this and whatpadd said this story had too many parts and I had to delete a few :p like what? well that was an error because ater 3 more tries here I am :D With a new update... this is surprising even me but I will probably not be updating any more because I will be getting back to College and coursework :s 

Michael stood at the table, grabbing his flanel slowly, wishing his boyfriend would come back to him but he saw the guard shake his head at him. 

Michael sighed and nodded at the guard, Ashton was gone and he probably would refuse to come see Michael if Michael visited but Michael was ok with that, he understood. He'd come visit anyway because he wasn't going to give up on his Cookie. 

"You ok Mr. Clifford?" Killian asks, Michael shook his head no. Together they walked to the car.

"Is he angry with you?" Kilian asks, Michael looked at the man and with just that look Kilian knew that the poor lad was hurting.

"It'll be ok, he'll come around." Kilian said, Michael just shrugged. 

Later that night as Michael was sat having dinner with his dad, he couldn't help it that he was being a saddo. His heart felt heavy and he was doing his utter best to not start crying. 

"What's wrong son?" His father asks, Mr. Clifford wasn't known for caring a single bit about another person but he was a great father. If there was anybody that Darryl would give his life for it would be his only son. He loved Michael with all his heart and having his son in jail had been a bad time for him but seeing him like this was worse. 

"I-I fell in love dad." Michael admits, until now only Kilian had known because Darryl couldn't visit Michael in jail. 

"That boy that you asked Kilian to get all that stuff for?" Darryl asks, Michael nodded, of course his dad had known something was going on. 

"He's perfect dad." Michael sighs. 

"What did he do?" Darryl asks, Michael shuffled on his chair a bit.

"He got sent in for Murder first degree with his 2 best friends." Michael said.

"Well that's not nothing Michael, are you sure that's the type of boy you want to be involved with?" Darryl asks.

"It's not like they claimed it is! He didn't plan it! and it was self defence! His dad raped and beat him up!" Michael exclaimed, Darryl frowned at this. 

"Do you really like this boy?" Darryl asks, he smirks as he notices the blush forming on his sons pale cheeks. 

"I love him." Michael states. 

"Then what is the problem?" Darryl asks.

"He can't be in jail, he... He's such a sweet innocent little guy. He's my babyboy and he... He's so scared. He refuses to see me now, he doesn't feel safe there and they won't allow him to be bunked up with one of his friends. If it wasn't for those friends I don't think he'd want to even survive there." Michael says, Darryl noticed the trembling lip of his son, the tears brimming his eyes. 

"Go finish your food in your room. You need some time alone." Darryl says, Michael nods and takes his plate, walking up to his room with it.

"Kilian!" Darryl calls out, the butch man walks into the room, slightly frightened at the tone in Darryl's voice. 

"Get me the phone, I have some people I need to call." Darryl says, Kilian nods and hurries off, he has never seen his boss this angry and heard his voice this menacing. All Kilian could think of was that he hoped it had nothing to do with Michael and his sullen behavior.

AN/ so WOW we have met Michael's dad! WHAT EVEN!!!?? What do you guys think? What is Darryl up to? 


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