Eating alone

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Ashton pov

"The names Michael, by the way." The guy, or well Michael introduces himself as I unbutton my jumpsuit, he wasn't facing me and I was happy about that.

"Ashton." I reply.

"Nice to meet you Ashton." Michael says.

"Wish we met in other surroundings though." I replied, Michael laughed and shook his head, I smiled when I noticed that due to my height the jumpsuit unbuttoned low enough for me to just leave it on and open. I turned around and sighed deeply.

"Hurry up will you, Jax from the other side is looking this way." Michael sighed.

"That didn't helpt at all Michael!" I hissed at him, he chuckled.

"Why not just fuck him Clifford? Give me a show!" Somebody called, I did my business then and there, not because I absolutely needed to but the fear got to me.

"Fuck off Jax! Pervert." Michael replied, ok so this Jax guy was obviously not the bossman.

"He's gotta be somebody's bitch! Those two others can't protect him from everything." Jax replied, I shakily did up my buttons and washed my hands.

"Well then you fuck him when he gets out of here, leave me out of it." Michael replies. I must have whimpered out loud at that since Michael's head snapped in my direction, I jumped onto my bed and hid under the covers, cowering against the wall.

"IF ONE OF YOU LAYS A HAND ON HIM I SWEAR I WILL RIP YOUR LUNGS OUT OF YOUR ARSEHOLE!!" I could head Luke yell angrily from his cell.

"Calm your balls blondie!" Somebody replied.

"Ashton?" Michael asks, he pulled the cover down and I just shook my head at him, wanting him to let me hide.

"Hey, wow there are you ok?" He asks me.

"ASH! ASHY! BREATHE!! BREATHE!!!" Calum's voice then called, they must know I was having an attack. Michael's voice did seem to get louder when he asked if I was ok, almost like he was actually worried about me.

"SOMEBODY HELP HIM!!" Calum yelled.

"WHAT DO I DO?" Michael yells back, I was taking quick and shallow breaths.

"HOLD HIM! ASHY! love you're gonna be alright! Cal and I are here for you Ash! Please just breathe!" Luke calls, he sounded so distant and so worried. I felt strong arms wrap around me, so I wrapped my arms around Michael.

"Shhht, calm down Ashton." Michael whispered, his shortfingers running through my waves.

"I won't let anybody near you ok? I promise, just breathe. For Luke and Calum." Michael whispers, he rocked us back and forth slowly, and gradualy my breathing calmed down.

"Is he ok?" Calum called out.

"Yeah, I think so!" Michael called back.

"Fuck if he's going to do that when my dicks up his ass then he'd better be worth it." Somebody sighs. Michael stands up, leaving me sitting on the bed, he looked over at me angrily and then sighed deeply.

"Why'd I have to get stuck with the pussy." Michael sighs, then he gets in his bunk and just lies down. I lie down to, pulling my cover back over myself.

"I'm ok Luke! Cal!" I call out, I knew both of them would have been worried unless I told them personally that I was ok.

"See you at dinner yeah?" Luke called out.

"Of course." I replied, like I had a choice now, in this place.

We got called down for dinner, no problem really because Luke and Calum were waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me.

"Are you ok?" Luke asks me.

"I had to pee standing up, with another person only inches away from me, how do you think I feel?" I whisper to him. He wrappd his arm around my shoulders and Calum held my hand as we walked to dinner. Sitting down at a table, jsut the 3 of us.

"H-how am I going to sleep tonight?" I ask them, looking at both of them and sighing deeply.

"Maybe we should ask the guard to switch us?" Calum suggested.

"I've already begged them to put Ashton in a room with one of us, but they wouldn't do it." Luke admits, I knew that would have put a strain on their relationship, the one they are still trying to hide.

"We're sorry Ashton, so sorry." Calum says, I just nod at them. I look around the room, only to spot most eyes are on me.

"He's looking to find who's bitch he wants to be. You decided that being one of our bitches is better than getting fucked by all of us?" Somebody calls, I shiver at the words and just as Luke was about to say something a guard stepped up and grabbed my shoulder.

"Would you like to eat in your cell?" He asked me, I noticed it wasn't a guard we normally had.

"Go Ashton, we'll feel better with you being away from these guys." Luke says, nodding at me so I nod at the guard. He grabbed my tray and walked upstairs with me. I sat on my bed eating slowly, then putting my tray down once I was done. I smiled up at the guard and he smirked down at me, that smirk wasn't anything good, I knew that kind of smirk.

"Glad to have you all to myself." The guard says, he walked up to me and then chuckled as I moved away from him.

"Let me see what you've got under that jumpsuit." he whispers, his voice hoarse and dark.

"HELP!" I screamed, well I tried, the last bit was muffled due to his hand being placed over my mouth. I started crying as he pinned my body down on the bed, his free hand pulling open the buttons of my suit.

"Get the fuck off of him!" Michael yelled, the guard was pulled away from me and Michael's body blocked my view on him.

After about a 5 minute stare down, the guard left and Michael turned to me.

AN/ Ok what do you think is going to happen next? Because Michael isn't really fond on having a new cellmate? Sorry about poor Ashton being like attacked and all all the time, but this is a jail, full of men and Ashton is cute and it's important for the story line ok??

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