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When I woke up Michael was no longer next to me, he was getting changed into a new jumpsuit, a guard at the door.

"Great, you're up, get changed Irwin." The guard says, Michael looks around and me as he buttons up his jumpsuit, I noticed he wasn't wearing a tank under it like I was. I got a clear view on his nicely tones stomach, his pale flawless skin.

"Stop staring at me Flowerboy and get dressed. If you make me late for breakfast I'l rething shanking you with my toothbrush." Michael practically barks at me, I jump of the bed and look at the guard, he handed over another jumpsuit and stood there waiting with Michael's old one on his hands. I shuffled my foot awkwardly as the guard kept staring at me.

"You're going to make us late! Get changed!" Michael hissed, shoving my shoulder.

"C-could you t-turn around p-please?" I ask the guard, he chuckled and shook his head. I blinked at him a few times and then looked over at Michael.

"Fuck it, it's like you've never been naked in front of anybody before." Michael huffs, he pushed me to stand behind him and he crosses his arms as he stares at the guard. Michael however turns around as I start unbuttoning my suit.

"C-can you not?" I ask him.

"You're going to have to get used to this Flowerboy, get changed in front of me or change in front of everybody." Michael tells me, I nodded at him and just simply went on with changing. I could feel Michael's eyes on me, he was intently staring at me. When I was fully changed Michael handed my jumpsuit over to the guard and then he looked back at me. I could tell he was looking at me, even if I was uncomfortably staring at the ugly formless jumpsuit.

"What is your problem? Orange doesn't match your eyes?" Michael asks me, the look on my face must have given something away because he chuckles.

"You don't feel comfortable in the jumpsuit? What is it too long? Too short? Not your color? Not nice fabric?" Michael asks.

"It's fugly, formless, itchy and just plain not flattering at all." I tell him, I stomp my foot and then cross my arms.

"What did you expect from a prison jumpsuit?" Michael asks, the guard was going to come back and unlock out door when he put our old jumpsuits away.

"I didn't expect to be in prison at all!" I tell him, feeling more tears well up.

"Shouldn't have killed a person then." Michael mutters, of course everybody knew what Luke, Calum and I were here for.

"I didn't mean to." I mutter, I bit my bottom lip as Michael chuckled.

"First degree means you planned it." Michael muttered.

"Well I mean we did but we didn't, it's complicated." I whisper, Michael just laughs again.

"Well you're stuck with your ugly orange jumpsuit, I'm sorry it doesn't make you feel pretty." Michael says, his voice had a hint of a joking manner in it but he was dead serious. Or was he? I blushed at that, the thought of me feeling pretty, which I didn't in this place, in this suit.

"Wait are you blushing? You like to feel pretty don't you? I knew you were a fag but not that far in." Michael says, the guard then arrives, opening the door.

"Weirdo." Michael mutters as he walks out, I followed behind him slowly all the way up to the room, Luke and Calum immediatly pulled me in for a hug and asked me all these questions about if I was ok or not.

After breakfast we got the whole morning to be free outside and so Luke, Calum and I found a nice place to sit and we just sat and talked. Because what else was there to do.

"Where's your cellmate?" Luke asks me, I sit up and look around, he wasn't outside which is weird because I thought he'd have to stay outside too.

"Hemmings! Hood! You've got visitors!" Somebody calls out, Luke and Calum look at the guard and then at me.

"Don't be surprised I don't have a visitor." I tell them.

"We can't leave you alone though." Luke mumbles, but I knew I couldn't go to the visiting room unless there was somebody there for me. So I got up and told the guards I wasn't feeling well and wanted to go to my cell, now of course being in my cell wasn't going to save me from the guards but it would save me from the other inmates.

I lay down on my bunk when I got to my cell, he door being closed and locked so I kicked on my loafers and curled up into a ball, falling asleep again almost immediatly.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT COMING TO YOUR CELL ALONE!" a voice screamed at me, I jumped up and looked at an angry looking Michael.

"Luke and Calum had visitors, I was going to be all alone!" I tell him, I shuffled on my spot and groaned at the uncomfortableness of these restricting boxers.

"Then you ask the guards to bring you to me!" Michael tells me, his angry face still on.

"I'll remember that for next time." I sigh, turning around and rolling my eyes at him.

"Twat." He huffed, I heard him climb back in the bunk.

"You missed lunch by the way." He says and then it goes silent. I didn't care that I missed lunch, not like I ate a lot anyway.

AN/ Ok so another chapter, I still feel inspired for this so idk how many chapters I'm going to put up of this today. Don't expect this to happen all the time though.

Where do you think Michael went off to? Why do you think he's being protective over Ashton, if he's showing all the signs of disliking him.

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