Mr. Irwin to the office!

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"Michael!" I groaned as the officer was here to send us to breakfast but Michael was still sleeping. I didn't get how he was still sleeping, I'd pushed him gently multiple times and called for him.

"Michael!" I almsot screamed, pushing him again, he stirred but rolled over and then fell off of the bed.

"Michael!" I screamed, looking over the side of the bed, the guard just started laughing as Michael grumbled and stood up.

"Are you ok?" I ask him, moving to sit on the side of the bed.

"No, what the hell Ashton! Why'd you push me off!" He yells at me, I flinch look away.

"I didn't, you rolled over." I tell him.

"For fucks sake mate, I never roll over in my sleep. Damn, don't fucking push me!" He says, he janks the new jumpsuit out of the guards hand and then starts getting undressed. 

"Get changed then." Michael basically barks at me.

"Well I know not to wake you up anymore, grumpypants. Next time I'll let you sleep." I mutter, getting off of my bunk and grabbing my jumpsuit. 

"Next time let me not wake up with a facepalm from the floor." Michael grumbles, I look over at him and then at the guard. He however just steps outside when he's changed, not even looking at me. So I just changed then, with the guard looking from me to Michael and back and forth constantly.

Once I was changed I walked down for breakfast, Michael just walked away from me. He had told the guard he needed to make a phonecall after breakfast, so he won't be picking me up. 

"Morning Ashy, how was your night?" Calum asks. 

"Fine, Michael and I cuddled. I told him the truth about why we're in here." I tell them.

"What did he say?" Luke asks, I felt a blush come up as I thought about it.

"He says that even if I was a cold blooded murderer, I was the cutest one." I tell them, both of them aaww at me and then we eat our breakfast. Mine being pancakes with smiley faces on them and the boys had some sort of porrage/vomit/oatmeal kind of thing.

"Where's Michael going?" Luke asks me, I turn around and see Michael walking away with a guard.

"He needed to make a phonecall." I state, turning back to them. 

After breakfast we headed out to the garden, where I sat down and talked to Calum and Luke about how they got caught having sex in the shower and the guard just watched them. EW!!!

'Irwin, you are requested at the office.' a voice called over the intercom, I frowned as a guard walked up to me. What would they want with me? 

"Didn't Michael tell you not to go anywhere without him?" Luke asks me as the guard cuffs me up.

"Like the Warden would allow Michael to be there." I tel them, then I just follow the guard out. 

"Aah mr. Irwin, nice to see you, please sit down." The Warden says, he was about 50 years old, his hair slicked back, it was a silver color. His eyebrows seriously needed some work done on them and he had a bushy moustache. 

"If you don't mind sir, I prefer to just be called Ashton." I tell him, the guard leaves us alone. 

"Why's that then Ashton?" He asks. 

"Mr. Irwin reminds me of my dad, I'd rather not be called that." I tell him.

"Aah yes, understandable. Nobody wants to be reminded of the person they murdered now would they." He says, I read his nametag, Runds was his last name. 

"I don't want to be reminded about the things he did to me." I reply, I was tapping my foot nervously, not wanting to be here at all.

"I've heard that you don't get visitors? According to this file, the Hemmings family has asked for you." He states, pulling a file up. 

"Yes, the Hemmings family is more like family then my own." I inform him.

"I see and is there a reason your family refuses to see you but the Hemmings family and the Hoods come to see your friends?" He asks.

"My family has ignored what was done to me for years, I don't want them to come and visit me. They don't care about me." I state.

"Is that so, or is it because the Hoods and Hemmings' know that their boys didn't do anything and they just said they did to save you? Or maybe you scared them into this?" Runds asks me, WHAT!

"Do you think I threatened them?" I ask him shocked.

"I just want to understand why they would help you murder your dad?" He asks.

"Because they wanted to protect me! They showed up to take me away from there!" I told him, feeling myself getting angry.

"Mr. Irwin, I suggest you calm down!" Runds tells me.

"I won't calm down! How dare you suggest I'd threaten my friends! I love them! You know what happened in court! We didn't LIE!" I scream at him.

"Mr. Irwin, if you don't calm down we'll have to calm you down." Runds says.

"Don't CALL ME THAT!" I scream, feeling tears come up. 

"Procter!" Runds calls, the door behind me opened but before I could even turn around to ask what was going on, something stung in my neck and everything went black.

AN/ OOH DAMN! What did I just do? What happened? 

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