1. Welcome to the camp

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"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun..my name is Hope Mikaelson, and this is my summer."

It was registration time and everyone had to check in and then be assigned to their rooms for the three week period of camp, begining today. Although summer camps sound exciting to some, other teenagers dread going to those crowded places where they have to wake up certain times and join the activities, let alone the competitive spirit. The two siblings argued all the way in the car, their personalities being the complete opposite to each other hence why this on going debate about whether it was a sane idea to spend their summer there, in the heat doing sports all day.

"There is no way I am staying here for the whole program, and sharing my room not only with her but three other girls!"

The blonde shouted to her father who was already rolling his eyes pretending not to listen to her.

"You can always ask to change tents. At least you'd spare everyone's headache."

An Auburn haired girl with blue intense eyes said with a smirk and Josie looked over to see who was putting their fate in line against her sister who was the least friendliest person on the planet.

"I might just do that. Can I please change tents? Please I'd give anything to get away from my sister." Josie begged the registrator.

"There is indeed an empty spot in tent number 4, I can transfer you there. But there is no changing your mind."

"I won't change my mind, no way in hell."

"Josie language." Her father reminded her and just accepted the fact that his daughters were about to fight through out the whole summer.

"Number four, huh? Funny thing. We'll be room mates after all.." the strangely attractive girl said while holding up her lanyard that showed her name and tent number.

"And your name is?" Lizzie came up to the auburn who was smiling all too proudly for having achieved to break up the two sisters.

"Hope. Hope Mikaelson. And you are? Wait, it doesn't matter. I'll call you headache."

Josie almost blurted out with laughing at Hope's nasty little comment about her sister and watched the girl walk off. Shortly after she followed her hoping she would lead the way to tent number four as she didn't know where on earth it was.

"You know you've already managed to get on my sister's bad list."

"Oh well, won't this be an interesting summer then?" The girl replied recognizing the voice behind her.

"Is this our tent?"

"I guess so. It looks like they went an extra mile with decorating this year."

The girls ran inside the tent that consisted of four beds, fairy lights and a small porch on the outside with a small hang out area and a few couches with decorative pillows.

"I'm Josie by the way, and I promise I won't give you a headache like my sister."

"I don't mind if you do." Hope looked back at the girl, her eyes gazing up and down her figure in a flirtatious manner, but Josie couldn't yet put her finger around it.

"I guess the others haven't arrived yet so go ahead and pick whatever side you like."

"I like to sleep next to the door, I get quite hot at nights."

"Alright I'll take the side, I need my quiet space. By the way, are you going to the welcome party tonight?"

"Hell yeah, I am." Hope threw her bags on the bed, and looked over at Josie who was starring at herself in the full sized mirror.

"You never miss a chance to drink, do you?"

"How'd you figure?"

"Just a wild guess." Josie sensed the other girl approaching her from behind.

"Are you going to the party, Josie?"

"Um, yeah. I just..don't know what to wear. Or if anyone's going to talk to me."

"I am talking to you, does that not count?"

Hope gently tucked the girl's hair on one side and Josie was surprised but went along with it. She could see Hope looking at her through the mirror, as if she was appreciating her features.

"It does. You seem quite stylish, would you mind picking an outfit for me?"

"Sure, I'll help you. Gotta impress those boys, don't we?"

Hope sat on her bed with her hands behind her supporting her body and looked at Josie desperately looking over her luggage and picking three different outfits. Then she changed into the first one and the auburn haired girl gazed away with a smile to give the other some privacy.

"What do you think?"

"Good, but you can do better."

Josie changed into another outfit and could sense Hope's eyes starring at her body but tried to ignore it.

"I like this one, reveals just enough of your body without being too much."

"Thanks, Hope. I'll wear that."

Just then two more girls joined the tent and Hope and Josie greeted them and got to know them. The four of them got along just fine and actually had already started teasing each other with Mikaelson being the biggest tease in the group. After sharing all about their life, relationships and such it was time to attend the welcome party. Josie looked for her sister but already found her talking with a blonde boy who looked much older than her and decided to let them be. On the other hand, Hope was socializing with large crowd of people and it was hard to her get her attention. Just then a curly haired boy approached her.

"First days are always awkward, aren't there? I'm Landon by the way."

"Oh, hey Landon. Nice to meet you, I am Josie or you can call me Jo for short. Indeed, I wish we could just skip this part."

"Not much of a social person are you Josie?"

"I am, under the right circumstances. This is just too much for me." Josie was starring at Hope who was easily engaging with people compared to her and Landon spotted the attractive girl.

"You know who that is?"

"Yeah, my roommate. Why?"


The boy had to snap out of his thoughts and look back at Josie who was expecting an answer.

"She's seems like my type, that's all."

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