8. The accident

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Today the campers woke up early and were taken to the lake for some morning rafting down the stream. The weather looked fine and everyone was excited for the adventure and the adrenaline of the sport.

"Listen up everyone, the boats can accommodate teams of 6. You should never remove your life jackets and stick to the right side of the river, as the left is deemed dangerous with quite a few rocks and trees. Always look out for each other."

Everyone placed their life jackets on and Hope helped Landon with strapping his on as she was much more experienced in this.

"Are you nervous?"

"Yeah, a bit. I've never done this before and I'm not a very good swimmer."

"Don't worry you won't actually have to go in the water. Just put those arms to work."

Hope winked at the curly haired boy and stepped in the boat taking a seat. Once everyone was settled in their boats they heard the signal and started rowing towards the right side of the river. Hope looked experienced and her arms were strong so she kept navigating her team in the right direction, and everyone enjoyed themselves for the most part except getting really sore arms. Towards the middle of their trip one of the younger groups lost control of their boat and was dragged by the force of the stream towards the left side of the lake, where their fate was unsure.

The 14 year olds were in panic when their boat kept gushing through rocks, and as they were unable or strong enough to control it suddenly it turned over and threw two of them in the water. Everyone was immediately altered but we're advised to wait in case the children got themselves out but instead one of them looked like it was now shallowing water and drowning. Hope wasted no time and jumped in the water fiercely swimming towards the children.


"She's fucking crazy. Someone get them out!"

Landon tried to stop Hope but she was long gone and was swimming against the current trying to reach the children. She tried to get both of them to latch around her neck but one was slipping away and the other was coughing pretty badly. She tried her hardest to not let go of them but found herself sinking under the water since she wasn't using her hands to float anymore.

Suddenly she felt another pair of strong hands supporting her body and pulling her towards the shore along with the children. Once they were on the shore she performed medical care on the child who had shallowed most of the water.

"Hope! Are you alright??"

Hope noded at Landon, who was the one who helped her out of that dangerous situation, and looked around to see how far they were from the camp and how they would call for their teacher's help. Landon signaled one of the boats to go back immediately and let the teachers know about the accident.

"Is he alright??"

"He will make it. I'm just afraid for the water getting in his lungs. I'm not an expert on that."

"You've done everything you can Hope. Let the doctor's check up on him."

"Are you alright, Landon? You really didn't have to risk your life to help me."

"I'd rather risk my life than anything bad happening to you."

Hope smiled sweetly at the boy, whose act was all too heroic and heard some of the campers clapping from a distance. The girl, one of the children Hope had saved, threw her arms around the auburn and whimpered quietly.

"Shh, it's okay. You're safe now. Nothing bad is going to happen to you."

"You're both safe we got you guys. We will go back soon." Landon said to reassure them.

"I don't want to go on the boat again.." the younger boy whimpered almost ready to cry.

"I'm sure there's a way to walk back to the camp. If not, then we will find another way to get you there."

"You see this happens often when you try sports like that. Once you learn to swim and you're confident you won't mind falling into the water. It's all part of the process."

Hope kept smiling at Landon who was all too caring with the children and kept encouraging them to ger over their fear. After about fifteen minutes two first aiders had gotten to the site and took the children back. Hope and Landon followed them since they had already gotten close to them and the children needed someone they could trust with them.

"Are both of you alright? What you did back there was really brave, and these children are safe thanks to you but you should never do it again." Dr Saltzman said.

"Honestly, you shouldn't let a group of teenagers unsupervised at the lake. Look what happend last year." Hope said.

"What happend?" Landon asked.

"A group got lost in the river. And now the children.."

"Well, the river isn't really deep and your rules were clear."

"Anyway, we are fine Dr Saltzman thank you. Can we go back now?"

"Yeah, I will handle the rest."

Later that day it was announced there would be a bonfire night to relax and have some food. Hope was getting herself ready, putting some lipstick on while looking at the mirror when Josie approached her from behind.

"I was worried today you know. You didn't have to be that heroic out there."

"If I didn't no one would help those children, Jo. Plus I'm fine, very much alive and ready to party."

"Okay tough guy. However, you still gave me a heart attack when I saw you jump in the river."

Hope closed her lipstick and popped her lips together. Then she turned to Josie who was clearly checking her out, even though she pretended not to.

"Hey, I'm good alright?" Hope's voice sounded softer, while she took a hold of one of Josie's hands as a gesture to calm her down.

"Fine. I bet Landon won you over today with what he did."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Sorry.." Josie glanced away but Hope didn't let go of her hand, instead she was rubbing it with her thumb gently.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Jo?"

"No, I'm just happy you're not using that stupid nickname Penelope gave me anymore."

Josie pulled her hand away and walked off, her hair flipping in the air.

"I'll see you at the bonfire."

Hope followed her as they walked towards the centre of the camp where the bonfire was.

"You're hiding something, pumpkin. And I'm going to find out what it is."

Hope shouted from a distance and Josie raised her middle finger in the air playfully for being called by that nickname again.

At the campfire everyone was either dancing or nibbling on food that was set on big tables. A little girl ran towards Hope and hugged her, arms squeezing her waist.

"Hey you. Feeling better?"

"I'm okay, I'm being picked up tomorrow but I wanted to thank you for saving me today."

"Awe, are you leaving already? This is just the begining of camp."

"I want to stay with my friends but my parents think this place is not safe anymore because of what happend to me at the lake and they want to take me away."

"Ugh. You know what? I'm going to talk to your parents tomorrow. You're definitely staying."

"Seriously? They are very strict I don't think they will listen to you."

"They better do. I'm the one who saved your life anyway!"

Just then someone interrupted the two girls.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt you two. Hope, can I borrow you for a minute?" Landon asked.

"Alright, go have fun with your friends sweetheart I'll see you later." Hope waved goodbye to the small girl and then turned to Landon. "I'm listening.."

"Actually I was hoping to talk somewhere more quietly."

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