After Hours

504 12 9

You lay on your sofa, staring at the ceiling blankly. It was so quiet... Like an empty void. You glanced at your phone screen, it was only 1:50 A.M. The small whirr of the fan leading to the outside filled the silence. Why can't I just go to sleep and stop thinking about it. He could've been looking at anything, let alone me! And plus, why would he look at ME of all people. You thought to your self. He could've been looking at an employee or a child! You tried reassuring yourself. Then why couldn't you shake this feeling...

A thought briefly popped into your head. What if I sneak over-. You immediately shunned the idea away, cupping your hands over your eyes. What a stupid idea... But it was only a couple minutes away... No. Not a chance... Surely they wouldn't notice me... Why do I even need to go back at this sort of time...

Screw it.

You flung yourself out of your sofa and walked over to your front door, throwing on some socks, shoes and a small jacket over yourself. It was pretty tight around your arms, but that didn't matter at the moment. It wasn't as if anybody was going to see you...

Grabbing your phone, you strutted out of your flat and walked down the corridors hastily. A knot in your stomach had started forming. Was this really the best idea. No, probably not. But there was no turning back now...

The cold air from outside hit you like a brick wall. You knew it would be cold, but hadn't anticipated it to be THIS cold. Shoving your hands under your armpits for warmth, you started picking up your speed. The cold air blew against your face, as if telling you to go back, but you forced your way forward, shivering like crazy. you sighed as you glanced down at your legs, realising why it was freezing. Great idea, wearing shorts out whilst it's freezing cold.

Turning the corner, you see the familiar Red and Black sign. But this time it was darkened. All the lights were turned out. you had never seen it at night before, which gave the whole building a dark and unsettling look. You walked to the front double doors and pushed them open, shocked they would still be unlocked at this time.

The inside was warm. Definitely warmer than the outside. It was strange seeing the usually so lively building so... empty... You walked over to Funtime Freddy's stage and peeked cautiously behind the curtain. He wasn't there.. If he wasn't on his stage then where could he be...

The breaker room! You thought. You had overheard some employees talking about the breaker room once or twice before. They were saying something about Funtime Freddy. Something about not staying on his stage during the night for some reason. You quietly walked over towards a long corridor and finally came eye to eye with the door labelled "BREAKER ROOM". Creaking the door open by a very small gap, you managed to slip inside. And just as you had predicted, there stood Funtime Freddy.

It looked like he was asleep. You hoped he stayed like that for a bit. You weren't supposed to be here, and you were almost certain he would know that as well... You hadn't been this close to him and Bon-bon before. It almost felt unnerving. You usually tended to sit away from all the commotion, meaning you never really had a close up view of what they looked like.

His fur was a soft, white colour, almost as if he had a bucket of snow dipped on top of him and he was a lot taller than at first glance ( or you were just short). His big, black nose at the centre of his face was rounded off just like a teddy bear.

Bon-bon was a brilliant blue, with his bright red cheeks giving him an adorable look. His little ears flopped over his head, making it look like he was looking down.

Glancing back at Freddy, you felt your face go red again. Why does this keep happening?! You jumped back suddenly, hearing a loud clatter from outside. Dashing over to the corner, you huddled up in a little ball, adrenaline coursing through your body. What was that noise?!

Then you went stiff...

"Is somebody there?"

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now