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Your eyes shot open immediately, your vision blurry and eyes watery from the blinding white light that you were met with. A cold breeze circulated the room. Where were you..? In the background, you could hear a continuous beeping sound... Kind of like a monitor..? You led still, letting your eyes completely focus. You lifted your hand to your face to rub your eyes, only to realise you had some type of needle stuck in your hand. You immediately panicked at this, and sat upright, scanning your surroundings.. A heart rate monitor... An IV drip-.

The realisation of where you were hit you with a brick, and made you feel sick inside. You were in a hospital. Sat upright in a hospital bed... Attached to an IV drip... What'd even happened..? How did you even get here..? Your eyes looked towards a window in the room, and next to it sat a man with his back to you, lighting a cigarette. He was dressed in a deep, purple suit with dark hair. His skin was lined with scars that seemed to mirror each other on both sides. You felt like you knew him... Wait... Wasn't that Mr. Afton?!

"Mr. Afton, is that you?"

The man looked away from the window and turned towards you, sure enough it was him. His face was pale and his cheeks sunken in. "Well, who else would it be..?"

You stayed silent, he was right after all. It wasn't like everyone at the pizzeria could come out into public, and if you were being honest it wasn't like you were expecting anyone to arrive. "So, why am I here? I thought I was perfectly healthy."

"Well I don't know all the detail yet, I was just the one who had to bring you here. I'd ask my performers."

A slight shuffling sound came from behind a closed door. Mr. Afton turned his head away from you for a slight moment, and then turned to face you again. "I think that's my curtain call," he stood up and did a theatrical bow, "And one more thing before I go.."

You cocked your head slightly.

" Maybe give Freddy a bit of a warning before you collapse in his arms next time," and with that, Afton disappeared. You felt your face heat up with blush slightly, and the heart rate monitors beeping slightly change pace. Suddenly, the door to the room swept open and a female nurse walked in. She had mousy brown hair (and lots of it) with turquoise glasses framing her face. You looked down at her name-tag; Ebonie.

She walked over to the side of your hospital bed and looked you in the eyes with a sweet smile. "I see you're awake now!" her voice was cheery and light. "Don't worry, you can leave soon. I just have to make sure of some things,"

"Of course..? May I ask what actually happened,"

"Well," she started "You were brought in here unconscious as you had collapsed suddenly. You were completely irresponsive. We still have no idea what caused it but you are free to go home right after we ask you these questions,"

"Okay" you said. The quicker I do this, the quicker I can get out of here, you thought to yourself.

"Well, have you got any immediate family you can contact nearby?"


"Do you have anywhere to stay?"

"Yes." your mind immediately flicked to Freddy. You missed him...

"Brilliant. Do you have anyone at that place who can help you with tasks tasks require lots of physical requirements?"

"Yeah, quite a few actually."

"Brilliant! Well, you best be on the way now. If you ever think anything might not seem right, or things aren't as they normally are, please give us a call." She said, her voice always seemed happy.

She disconnected you from everything you were hooked up to and sent you on the way back home. Back to Sister Location. Back to Freddy... Maybe they would have some answers about what actually happened?

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now