Time to Party!!

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The stage was set... Lights flooded the room, and a sweet aroma filled the air... It smelt sugary, and sweet... Just like ice cream. The curtains to the stage were still drawn back, and you were still making the final preparations. Sweeping the floor, adjusting the party hats on the tables. There was an air of excitement around you. You can't remember the last time you saw everyone perform together as one big group. It must've been years ago when you were little.

As you were making the final adjustments on one of the tables, you all of a sudden felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. They were warm and soft, and much larger than your arms. "Guess who?~" You let out a soft chuckle, looking upright whilst still facing forward. You see Freddy's face, grinning playfully down at you. He looks almost childish, but it's adorable nonetheless.. "Freddy!" You speak in a mock offended tone of voice, "I have to finish up with the tables!"

He grinned as a response. It seemed as though Freddy had another idea. He picked you up in his arms, holding you close as he spun around, lifting you into the air. For a brief moment, you felt weightless. A childishness hidden inside yourself had risen to the surface once more, and you started to squirm and laugh in his arms. His grasp was strong, however, and it seemed you were stuck where you were until he decided to let you go. "Freddy! Let me go!" you laughed, wriggling in his grip.

Freddy just hugged you tighter, "Now, now, I'm sure it can wait." 

"But Freddy-!" before you could continue, Freddy gave you a cute little peck on the cheek,

"Nuh-uh, no buts!" in the end, you stopped complaining. There was no point, so you just let the bear get his own way; even if his own way was rather playful and childlike. You smiled comfortably up at him, and he grinned back. It was almost as if he were himself again.. You seemed to make him whole.

"Alright, time to let me go now. You have to head backstage to prepare for the show." you spoke in a slightly coaxing tone of voice, trying to persuade Freddy to go and prepare himself.

"Aww.. No fun." Freddy teased playfully, as he slowly released you from his hug. He ruffled the top of your head a little,  causing your cheeks to flush a light pink slightly, before he walked off to go behind stage.

All of a sudden, the doors to the room flung open, and in flooded all sorts of children. Some were tall, others were short, some where thinner than others, whilst some had quite a rounded figure. Your eyes scanned across the tops of heads, trying to see if there were any of the "regulars" in amongst the crowd, for no particular reason at all. Sure enough, you could see that same little blonde girl who always wore the same blue dress and butterfly hairclips holding hands with the little boy who had Hazelnut hair, often wearing a bandage on his face. How cute.. Following the large amount of children, was a decently sized group of adults. Just like the children, there was a range of different types of adults.. However, they all shared that one feature of being completely and utterly exhausted from parenthood. Good thing you weren't ready to be a parent any time soon.

You leaned against the wall, adjusting the badge on your security uniform. All of a sudden, the smell of pizza flooded your nostrils. You took a deep breath. It smelt delicious, like normal. Yenndo was probably hard at work in the kitchen then.. You looked around at all of the children, curious as to what they were doing. Some groups of children were playing about in the ball pit, throwing ball pit balls at one another. Another group of children were scuttling excitedly around the arcade games, looking to see the one where they could win the most tickets. Some children were sat at the tables with boxes of crayons, messily colouring sheets of colouring paper provided to them. You managed to get a peak of one kids drawing, who was colouring in a drawing of Foxy. They took... Artistic liberties, putting it nicely, and had decided to give Foxy a big blue moustache and had coloured his pink and white fur a mixture of green and red. You had to stop yourself from letting out a little snicker. They were just a kid after all, laughing would be mean... And their parents would probably get you fired..

You looked at the clock, watching as the hands ticked rhythmically. Each second passed smoothly. 7 more minutes...

You make sure during this time you stay alert. With the mass amounts of people and children here, crossed with all the chaos before the show started, anything could go wrong.. It was your job to keep people safe after all.. But then again, there was a good chance you were just being paranoid...

5 more minutes...

4 more minutes...

3 more minutes...

2 more minutes...

1 more minute...

An almost overwhelming sense of deja vu flooded over you, as the curtains to the stage swished open dramatically and music started playing from the speakers. You could see the whole band together. Circus Baby at the front of the stage, Freddy and Bonbon to her right with Foxy to her left, and Ballora stood slightly elevated behind her. The children flocked to the stage like dogs to a bone. However, you ignored most outside distractions and just focused on the band. More specifically Freddy. Foxy seemed to be performing a little skit for the children using his "acting skills", and after a while, Freddy did his signature childish move of playful banter with Foxy. You just had to fall for the most childish and immature one of the band, didn't you.

After a short moment, Freddy started to tell jokes with Bonbon, most of which were directed at Foxy to take the mick out of him. The children laughed along, and Foxy pulled a fake offended face at Freddy. It was hard to see, but you managed to notice it.. Freddy's little bear tail was wagging frantically behind him. He was grinning widely and seemed to be enjoying himself thoroughly.

Once Freddy had finished taking the mick out of Foxy, Ballora chimed in and "pretended" to act all motherly and stopped the two boys. Although, you likely knew her motherly nature wasn't acting. She encouraged the children and the rest of the crew to do a bit of dancing with her, as her music started to play through the speakers. The children danced along, rather poorly and uncoordinated, but they were dancing nonetheless.. You supposed this was what they saw everyday, and were just used to the children's attempts at dancing.

As Ballora rounded up her dance, Circus Baby chimed in with a very upbeat and friendly voice. This was probably the most friendliest you'd heard her so far. She had told everyone that they were going to all perform a song together, and as soon as she said that the sea of children all started cheering and squealing from excitement. The music from the speakers started to play, and everyone started to sing along to one of the classic songs of the pizzeria. "Join Us For A Bite".

...However, as everyone was performing, you slowly looked across the room to see a little girl, with ginger hair and a blue skirt, staring up at Circus Baby with wide eyes......

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now