2 Weeks Is Long Enough For Me

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You stood there, your arms wrapped around Freddy as you gently stroked his back. Two whole weeks..?! What even happened to me?! You thought to yourself. The idea of being gone for two whole weeks was concerning to you, as you had no idea what had even happened in the first place. You buried your head slightly in Freddy's shoulder, as he slowly picked you up in his arms. The way he held you now.. It was just like how he had held you when you snuck into the breaker room.. His fur was warm and soft, and smelt just like clean laundry.

Freddy seemed to carry you into his room, shutting the door behind him, as he gently lowered you to the floor, and placed you down. You looked up at him, your heart fluttering a little as you saw a little life return to his ocean blue eyes. He seemed so, so glad that you were back, and you were glad to be back as well. Freddy's little tail seemed to be wagging a little, and that made you chuckle a little to yourself.

As much as you would've loved to stare into his eyes, you needed to know what actually happened. It was now or never. You spoke, your voice a mixture of curiosity and slight confusion. "Hey, Freddy..? What happened to me..?"

"You don't remember..?" Freddy asked hesitantly,

You shook your head, confused by what Freddy meant. The last thing you remembered was Foxy walking out of the room, and Freddy being embarrassed by all the teasing. After that, everything seemed like one big blur.

"Oh... Well," Freddy started, "Once Foxy had left my room, you fell back on my bed. Me and Bon thought you were joking about at first, because every time we called your name you... didn't respond... It was after the third or fourth time you didn't respond we started getting worried, and we realised that you had just collapsed. We couldn't get you up, no matter what we did.." Freddy said, sounding a bit downhearted as he finished speaking. It seemed that everything that'd happened had worried everyone to some sort of degree...

"Oh, I'm sorry if I worried you or anything.." you say, feeling a little guilty for what had happened, even though it was very clearly not your fault at all.

"Sorry? You don't have to be sorry for anything, Early Bird." Freddy said, placing his hands on your shoulders.

You nodded, feeling a little comforted by this. Bon-bon had secretly hopped into the room whilst the two of you were talking, and had managed to climb onto Freddy's shoulder without him noticing. You let out a little chuckle, as Bon-bon started to mimic what Freddy did. Freddy still didn't notice Bon-bon, which made this situation all the more funnier.

"Huh? What's so funny..?" Freddy asked. You pointed to Freddy's shoulder, and he turned around. However, since Bon-bon was on his shoulder, he wasn't seen, and turned about with Freddy. Freddy was even more confused, as he continued to turn around, looking for whatever you may be on about. "What is it?" Freddy seemed pretty confused.

You had to force yourself to hold in your laughter, as Bon-bon continued to mimic everything Freddy did. However, that seemed to be proving difficult as you giggled to yourself. Freddy continued to turn around frantically, looking desperately for what you may be laughing at.

All of a sudden, Bon-bon hopped from on Freddy's shoulder so he was on Freddy's head. He dropped his head down in front of Freddy, his large, blue rabbit ears flopping down. "Boo." Bon-bon said, letting out a little chuckle. 

Freddy let out a startled little yelp when Bon-bon appeared in his vision, and you started giggling to yourself, struggling to contain it. "Not funny, cottontail." Freddy said, as he grabbed Bon-bon by the scruff of his neck, holding him in front of him. Bon-bon flailed his arms about, just like a little kid would. "HEY! LET GO OF ME!!" Bon-bon exclaimed,

"Not until you explain what you were doing." Freddy retorted,

"Hmph. I was going to come tell (name) about tomorrow, until you so rudely picked me up!" Bon-bon said, crossing his arms as Freddy still held him by the scruff of his neck. Freddy sighed and placed Bon-bon back on his shoulder, before turning to look at you again. "Tell me what, exactly?" you asked.

Bon-bon seemed to grin a little, as he looked at Freddy and then back to you, "Well, you know how you said that you were going to try and convince Mr. Afton to let us all perform as one big group? Well, he found the paperwork for it and signed it, so now we're going to be performing as a group tomorrow, thanks to you!" Bon-bon said enthusiastically.

You let out an excited little gasp, obviously not expecting that kind of news. "Really?! Well, I was not expecting that!"  you say excitedly. 

You had really missed being back...

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