Morning person

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You shuffled about drowsily in a warm bed sheet, surrounded by warmth. A comforting arm was gently placed over the top of you, and you felt warm breath on the back of your neck. Everything was silent besides the hushed breathing around you. Managing to pry your eyes at least half open from sleep, you glanced at your surroundings without moving. Freddy was sleeping peacefully behind you, his head semi-buried in your hair, and Bon-bon was curled up in a little "ball" near your abdomen. You were sandwiched between the two of them. If you had to find a good way to describe it, it was kind of like Russian nesting dolls. You shuffled about slightly, being wary not to wake either one up, trying to get comfy. Once in a comfy spot, you let your whole body go limp and lay there, still.

Just when you thought you were going back to sleep, you felt Freddy start to wake up from behind you. You only just realised he had his hand gently clasped in your's as he let out a large but silent yawn. He didn't seem like much of a morning person. "Good morning Fred," you whispered just loud enough for him to hear, but not loud enough to "wake Bon-bon up".

He let out a low grumble as a response, and buried his head in your hair, resting it at the nape of your neck.

"You tired?" you joked, and you felt him nod his head. You laughed silently and looked back to where Bon-bon was led... But he wasn't there... You looked around the room for where he was and your eyes landed on a small shelf just above the wall where the bed was. On it, sat Bon-bon, his new legs dangling over the edge of it as he looked down at you with a large grin on his face. It was pretty obvious by now that he knew about you and Freddy, so you didn't even bother to ask if he did.

"Do you know how to get him up?" you asked jokingly. By now, Freddy had gone back to sleep.

"Yup!" Bon-bon said joyfully. He was obviously more of a morning person than Freddy.

"So.. What's the plan?"

Bon-bon told you what the plan was, and you totally agreed with it. This would be hilarious if it worked. Sitting upright, you moved a bit out of the way of Freddy without waking him up and looked up at Bon-bon with a cheeky grin. You nodded and slowly started counting down from 3...




You nodded at Bon-bon and he launched himself off of the shelf at full speed, landing on top of Freddy. He jolted awake, obviously startled. "WHA- WHO WAS-" he started, but before he could finish, you and Bon-bon both burst out into a fit of laughter. He let out a long sigh and looked at you and Bon-bon, who were very amused at how he looked when he shot awake. "Ha,ha. Very funny," he said sarcastically,

"I'm sorry you wouldn't wake up~" you teased, and he playfully nudged you.

"You two look so cute together!!" Bon-bon squealed.

"Thanks," you say, still smiling from earlier.

"I can't believe Freddy actually let you wear his pyjamas as well! He gets pretty protective over his things~" Bon-bon stated. You had forgot you were wearing his Pyjamas somehow, and blushed slightly at this statement. "Well," you started, "Freddy was the one that actually offered me to wear them," you chuckled slightly and Bon-bon looked shocked. He turned his face quickly between you and Freddy, landing on Freddy.

"You let them wear your pyjamas?!?!" he squealed.

"Erm... Yeah? I don't really see the big deal," Freddy said, a blush starting to rise to his face.

"FREDDY HAS A SOFT SPOT!" he shouted. You hoped that nobody else heard him. Please say nobody heard that. Please say nobody heard that. Please-

All of a sudden, the door to Freddy's room edged open, and Foxy peaked his head around, "Hey, I heard shouting... Is everything alright?-" he stopped in his tracks and just stared at the three of you, then a grin spread across his face. "My, my Freddy~. I knew you liked them, but I didn't know you liked them THAT much.~" he teased.

Blush immediately started to rise to his face "F-FOXY?!"

"Oh no, don't worry, I don't judge.~" he kept teasing. You felt your face start heating up and turn a slight shade of red, but not nearly as much as Freddy. His face was as red as a tomato, and he was obviously very flustered. "FOXY!!"

"Oh, What's this? Freddy even let you use his Pyjamas?"

Freddy was incredibly flustered by this, and grabbed his pillow, burying his head in it. a rather pathetic attempt to hide his flustered face due to the fact his ears had all frizzed up and his cheek fur had fluffed up. You started blushing a bit more, and Foxy let out a low chuckle.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anybody," he said, and made a zipping motion across his mouth, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him.

You turned to look at Freddy, who still had his head buried in his pillow, staring dead at the door annoyed.

...You wondered how and why you had ended up here...

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