Déjà Vu

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You shot awake in your flat, beads of sweat dripping off your face. Sunlight only just peeked through the curtains. What had just happened..? You felt like you had been asleep for days on end... Had you? You had fallen asleep on the sofa again. You really needed to stop making a habit of that, you had a bed for a reason... You looked across to the coffee table, and reached for your phone. The screen turned on, blasting your face with light, stunning you for a moment. Letting your eyes adjust to the bright phone screen, you checked the time. 6:50 A.M... You slowly gathered your senses and sat upright on the sofa, combing your hand through your hair. It was ridden with sweat for some reason. Had you had a nightmare?

Deciding not to question anything further, you decided to get up and prepare yourself as best you could for the day... And that started with a cold, refreshing shower. Stepping into the shower, you let the cooling water trickle down your back. You suddenly got hit by an overwhelming sense of deja-vu... You showered almost every day... Why would you feel a sense of deja-vu...?

Pushing the thought to the side, you hopped out of the shower, got dressed and headed to go have breakfast. You poured some cereal into a bowl and started eating spoonfuls of it. It wasn't long before you spotted a letter. You picked it up in one of your hands as you spooned another spoonful of cereal into your mouth... You knew what it was... It was your bills. A sense of dread came over you as you recalled your bank balance... You weren't going to be able to pay it in time... Once again, another wave of deja-vu hit you. Why does all of this seem so...Familiar... There must be something I'm missing... You chucked the letter back on the table and finished eating your breakfast.

You walked over to the door and put a pair of shoes on, throwing on your jacket as you walked out the front door. You needed to clear your head, and what better way than to head to Circus Baby's Pizza World and watch your favourite showtime...

The sky was once again a cool grey colour, with blankets of clouds stretching across it. This is your favourite weather, and plenty of times people had said you were crazy for liking; however every time your response to them would be "sunshine was overrated". The cool breeze swept over your cheeks, reminding you of when you were younger, playing in the park with your friends no matter the weather, flying kites, swinging on swings... This felt all too familiar... Almost too familiar if you had to be honest...

You glanced at your phone screen. 15 more minutes... Plenty of time.

All of a sudden, you were hit by the smell of freshly cooked pizza along with... That sense of deja-vu again?! Why did that keep happening.

You ignored it once again and walked around the corner to be greeted with the bright signs of the pizzeria. A welcoming and familiar sight. The smell of Pizza became far much stronger now, and you heard your stomach growl slightly. You took another glance at your phone screen... 7 minutes...

You walked through the large, glass, double doors of the pizzeria and was immediately lost in the sound of children, arcade games and panicked parents running about trying to find out which kid was actually theirs. You walked over to one of the tables and sat down, pulling your phone out of your pocket to play on before the show started. There it was again... That overwhelming sense of deja vu. Why did you keep feeling like all of this had happened before. Exactly like this. You ignored it and focused on some of Funtime Freddy's regulars. The little blonde girl with the blue dress and butterfly hair clips. The hazelnut haired boy who always had a bandage on his face. The little boy looked away from the stage and turned to look at you, a large grin across his face. He strut proudly towards you from the stage and stopped just next to you. "Hello there!!" he said, his face beaming with joy.

"Hey little guy," you said,

"I have a question!"

"Oh do you?" you say, trying to be extra nice to the little boy, "And what's your question?"

"Have you woken up yet?"

What? Have I woken up yet? "Erm, Pardon? I'm not sure I heard you right."

"I asked if you had woken up yet silly!"

You tried your best to answer this question, "Well, I'm not sure if I'm being honest."

"Oh okay then! Just make sure you eventually find a way to! My mommy says that 'you'll know it when you see it'!"

"Well, your Mommy sounds like a very wise person!" you say with a tone of reassurance, trying to hide how freaked out you were. Suddenly, a tall woman rushed in and picked him up frantically, "THERE YOU ARE! I was looking everywhere for you! I am so sorry if he caused you any trouble, he can say some of the funniest things sometimes!"

You went to respond, but before you could, the lady and the little boy had disappeared... You took one more look at your phone screen. Perfect, the show was just about to start! Maybe that could distract your mind from what just happened. The purple curtains pulled back, revealing Funtime Freddy in all his glory. You got a strange feeling down in your gut, a mixture of good and bad? It was hard to pinpoint if you were being honest. You stared up at the stage, and marvelled as his voice echoed seamlessly around the room. You stared at him, and then all of a sudden, he was staring at you, and he winked? DID HE JUST WINK AT ME!?!?!? OH MY GOODNESS!! You felt your face heating up at an alarming rate as you turned a deep hue of red. It was obvious he had noticed since a smile spread across his face, and he turned his focus back to the mini audience...

All of a sudden, you felt yourself go lighted headed as the room around you started to turn slowly, and then you were enclosed in a sheet of darkness.........

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now