To Blush, or Not To Blush

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Funtime Freddy sat in the breaker room, thoughts whizzing through his head. Nothing could settle how active his mind was at the minute, and he was only just halfway through the day. He dreaded to think about how much he would overthink when the day was over if it was like this now. Why was he feeling this sort of way. He never felt like this around Bon-bon or even Foxy, so why did he feel so... Strange... Whenever he was around them... His heart seemed to start beating faster, and knots started forming in his stomach at just the thought of them. He was just so, confused about what to do. It wasn't like he could ask Circus Baby for help... The only person who might be able to help at all was Foxy; he was after all close friends with Foxy. Yes, he knew Bon-bon as a close friend, but usually he went to go hang out with his sister, Bonnet.

He tucked himself into a small ball in the corner of his room, placing his head on his knees, and as if on cue, Foxy started to walk inside of the Breaker Room, calling his name. "Freddy? Do you know?-" Foxy paused and then walked over to the sulking bear. He sat down on the floor next to Freddy and looked at him. "What's wrong Freddy?" Foxy asked,

Freddy stayed silent for a minute and then let out a sigh, "In all honesty, I'm not sure. I just can't stop thinking about..." Freddy's voice trailed off, and Foxy looked at him like he was expecting that.

"You can't stop thinking about who?" Foxy said, obviously knowing the answer but still asking

"(name)... Every time I'm with them my heart feels like it's going to pop out my chest, and i start getting nervous even though I'm never like that with you guys. I never feel nervous around people but somehow, knots form in my stomach when I'm with them.." Freddy said, turning to look Foxy in the eyes.

"Well, my only diagnosis is that you have a crush~" Foxy said in a teasing sort of way.


"Freddy, you can't just deny the feelings you have," Foxy said in a more serious tone of voice, "Besides, I'm sure if you confess at the right time, everything will go according to plan."

"Yeah, but what if they don't like me. Or things get awkward. OR-"

"Relax Freddy. Worse case scenario is they don't like you back, big deal."

"I know, but.."

"No buts, do you remember when Yenndo came to you for advice to ask Lolbit out, and Lolbit came to me?"

"Yeah," Freddy chuckled. "We told each other about it and made a huge plan that involved shoving them in a closet together until they confessed," Freddy chuckled to himself.

"Well, besides the closet part," Foxy laughed and then continued, "Look at them now, happy together because they made the effort to actually get with each other."

"And your point is..?"

"If you don't start somewhere, then you'll get nowhere. Make a plan, ask them out, do whatever! Just don't sit here wallowing in self pity," Foxy laughed a little and then stood up, "I give you 48 hours to do something about this, otherwise next thing you know, I'm taking the lead."

Freddy laughed and nodded at Foxy, who turned around and left the room, obviously forgetting what he had originally came for. After a few minutes of standing around pensively, Freddy decided to go and find (name) and talk to them for a while... After all, If you don't start somewhere, then you'll get nowhere...

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now