Breakfast is served

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You woke up groggily as light started seeping through the crack beneath the door. Even if you had rested well the night before, that didn't make you a morning person at all. You slowly sat upright, rubbing your eyes. How had I gotten over here? You thought to yourself, and then you realised what had happened the night before, your face once again blushing deeply... You wondered what time it was. Usually you woke up pretty early, but you felt like you had slept for ages... You went to go reach for your bag, but before you could, you heard talking coming towards the door. You listened closely, but could only make out a couple of muffled words from where you were... "Alright.......Awake.....and..." one of the voices said, It sounded like Funtime Freddy, but you couldn't really tell.

"....This......idea..." another one of the voices said, sounding like Funtime Foxy.

"Shut....... Dumb..."

Before you could try make out any other small snippets of the conversation, the door to the breaker room inched open and Freddy and Foxy walked inside, only to see you staring back at them. Freddy obviously looked flustered once he realised you were awake. Well, at least you managed to guess who it was correctly... "O-oh Early Bird?! I see you're awake already. We were just coming to get you!" Freddy blurted out. Foxy mumbled something inaudible to you under his breath, and Freddy glared at him, giving him a hard nudge with his elbow. "What's the time?" you ask.

"Oh, it's 9:00 A.M." Foxy said.

"9:00 AM?! Haven't I got work?!" You blurted out, slightly panicked.

"No? It's a Saturday, so the restaurant isn't open silly." Freddy said. You let out a sigh of relief, you forgot it was Saturday. "C'mon, Yenndo is in the kitchen making everyone some breakfast!" he continued in his usually chirpy voice.

You followed the two out of the room and into the kitchen, to see everyone sat down whilst Yenndo was cooking. Circus Baby was sat to the side, having a "Conversation with Ennard; to be honest, you thought it looked more like she was having a go at them for something. Ballora was sat with Bon-bon and another pink rabbit who you assumed was Bonnet; And Lolbit was cuddling Yenndo from behind whilst he was cooking, still looking kind of tired? Yenndo didn't really try to move them off of him however, he just strategically manoeuvred around them whilst still cooking. This probably happened every morning by the looks of it.

Freddy and Foxy walked over and sat down on a separate counter with you, and you all started making conversation. "So you two..." Foxy started, "How did you find falling asleep last night?" He said with a smirk on his face. Both you and Freddy started blushing. "I actually fell asleep a lot easier last night for some reason." you sounded like a mix between being thankful, and being flustered. Mainly flustered if you had to be honest with yourself.

"Yeah yeah." he said jokingly, "What about you Freddy??"

Freddy's face turned a bright pink, "O-oh I, erm, well.." he stuttered, "It was alright, I MEAN-"

Foxy chuckled and started teasing Freddy again, but you paid no attention to it, you just kept staring at Lolbit and Yenndo. How Lolbit was cuddling Yenndo from behind... You felt almost like a sense of longing. Like you wanted that kind of feeling...

Snapping back to reality, you realised Foxy and Freddy had been trying to get your attention for the past minute or so. You looked away from Lolbit and Yenndo and back to Foxy and Freddy. "Sorry, I just got a bit distracted is all." you apologised.

"It's alright. Now I have a question." Foxy said.

you cocked your head to the side as he continued speaking, "Who's better, me or Freddy?"

you started stuttering. You knew what you wanted to say, but you didn't want to offend anybody. "Well, both of you are nice. I mean Freddy's pretty nice and he was the one who gave me the idea of staying here. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU ARE ANY LESS GOOD!" you blurted out.

"HA! I TOLD YOU!" Freddy exclaimed.

"Well at least I know how to act!" Foxy teased.

"Oh not this again," Freddy sighed. Soon the two boys were bickering again, and you chuckled at their childish behaviour. After a couple more minutes, breakfast was served. It was some delicious, homemade waffles with butter on top. You immediately scoffed them down, not realising how hungry you actually were.

But you couldn't stop thinking about that feeling you got.......

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now