Early Bird Catches the Worm

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Hey... Wake up sleepyhead. You let out a low grumbling sound as you shuffle about in something soft and warm. It feels like a pillow of some sort, but you are still tired so you don't really care. Clenching your eyes shut, you turn and bury your head into something soft. It kind off feels like a pillow, but not quite. It kind of feels like...fur? Hey, er, wake up?  You shuffle about some more. Then suddenly it hits you. Everything from last night comes flooding back. You didn't fall asleep in your flat, you fell asleep in the BREAKER ROOM.

You flail about as you wake up, sitting up almost instantly. You immediately scan your surroundings, trying to get your bearings. But you hadn't realised something yet... Wait.. I'm taller than normal..IS HE CARRYING ME?!?!

You turn your head quickly around, and come face to face with Funtime Freddy, who was looking pretty confused. "Er, hi? Good morning?" he said in a confused tone.

You are too shocked to speak.

"Did you... Sleep well?"

"Yeah..Could you.. Put me down?"

"Oh, Oh yeah. Sorry." he says flustered. How adorable. You think to yourself, and then realise what you just thought. Why do I keep thinking like this?!?! He lowers you gently to the ground and you both stand there awkwardly for a moment, not saying anything. Then he starts talking again.

"So why were you in the breaker room so early?"

You fumble over your words "I-I, well, you see.. The thing is.. Well, in all honesty I'm not to sure myself. Probably just another stupid idea that popped into my head. "

"Oh, okay. Well, I still have quite a bit of time until the restaurant opens and I have to go to my stage, so we could get to know each other a bit more!" he said eagerly, " I always see you at my shows. Maybe I could show you the rest of the band!! or-" he stopped right where he was talking as soon as he realised you were giggling at him.

You found it funny and adorable at the same time how he got so excited over getting to know a new person. "What's so funny?" he said confused.

"Don't worry. How about we get to know each other a bit more."

"Yeah!! Lets start with that!!" his voice sounded a lot more excited and bubbly than how calm it was last night. You wonder why that was, but didn't think too much of it. Now, it was time for you to finally get to know Funtime Freddy.

"So What's your name?"

You tell him your name as he eagerly listens to you speaking. "Cool, but I think I'll stick with a nickname,"

"Like what?"

"How about... Early Bird?"

You snicker to yourself, "Early bird?"

"Yeah. Like the saying, the early bird catches the worm and, well, you kinda arrived here at 2:00 Am."

"Sure, I like it. But that means I get to call you Fred for short. " You say, a smile creeping up on you. You haven't felt like this before... You can't describe what it is, but whatever it was, was giving you butterflies in your stomach. Soon enough, you and Freddy get into more and more convorsation, getting to know each other better.

"So where's Bon-bon? Isn't he normally with you?"

"Sometimes he wanders off to go hang out with Bonnet."

"Oh, okay! How about we go meet everyone else now?"

Freddy looked at you eagerly " Yeah! I can show you Foxy, and Ballora and.."
You let him continue talking as you walked out the door of the breaker room with him, ready to meet the other members of the band...

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now