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You enter back through the front door of your flat and take your shoes off. Feeling the soft grey carpet beneath your feet. You entered into your open kitchen, remembering you hadn't had any breakfast yet, and started making some breakfast. It was 9:00 already; The pizzeria didn't open until 11:00 on Friday's, so you had 2 hours free to yourself. The time you had spent in the pizzeria was probably the longest time you had spent with other people in a long time. You usually just tended to keep to yourself and get on with things. It was nice actually talking to people for a change. You grabbed a bowl of your favourite cereal and sat at your table, spooning some into your mouth as you flicked through your mail. Soon enough, one of the letters caught your attention. It was a white envelope with the word "IMPORTANT" written in a bold red on the front.

You opened the letter and started reading it...

Dear (name),

We are sorry to inform you but due to your incapability to pay your bills on multiple occasions, with an included extension to your deadline, you have been evicted from your property. We will give you one week to fully move away, but if you are found continuing to live on this tenancy after the deadline, we will have to issue a report. We hope you find it easier somewhere else.

Kind regards,

Your Landlord.

You dropped your spoon and covered your mouth with your hand. You were being.. evicted? The worse thing was, you didn't have anywhere to. Unless...

You finished your breakfast quickly and decided to get a shower, clearing your mind. After hopping out of the shower, getting changed into a fresh set of clothes and packing a small bag full of necessities (e.g clothes, phone etc.), you exit your flat. You place your flats keys on top of the welcome mat and walk down the corridor and out the front entrance. The sun was beaming down onto the streets, and definitely didn't fit your mood.

With nowhere else to go, you started to make your way back towards Circus Baby's Pizza World. It should be open by now. You made your way down the streets, your bag in hand, and once again smelt the familiar smell of pizza filling the air. You checked your phone, it was 11:15. Dang, time passed so quickly.

You open the front doors of the pizzeria and walked back over to Funtime Auditorium. Funtime Foxy was performing now, but sometimes, you had seen the one who wasn't performing for that day running around doing errands like tidying tables or stuff like that. You sat at one of the tables to the side again and started playing on your phone. The loud shouts of children filled the room and rang around in your head like an annoying alarm clock.

Suddenly you felt a tap on your shoulder. You swung quickly around and saw none other than, Funtime Freddy. Your mood lightened a bit when you saw him. "Hey Early bird!!" he chimed

You forgot he made that nickname for you, " Hey Fred!"

You beckoned for him to sit with you at your table. "So how'sit going?" he asked.

"Well, things could be better..." You admitted

"Oh really? What's up?"

"Well... I've just been evicted out of my flat because I wasn't able to pay my bills, and I have nowhere else to go. I guess on the bright side I get some fresh air," you joked sarcastically.

Freddy looked you in your eyes, determined, "Hey, don't look so sad. A wise person once told me... You shouldn't think like that just because of one thing that has happened. It's the best way to bring yourself down."

You smiled at the fact he used what you told him, "Heh, I wonder who this wise person is."

"It's you silly!" Funtime Freddy paused for a moment, and then a huge grin spread across his face, "I have an idea! Why don't you live with us here! We have plenty of space, food, and a job position open!"

Your eyes widened in shock. He would do that for me?! You smiled, relieved that you actually might have somewhere to go. "We would just have to convince Circus Baby.." he said.

"Don't worry. I think I have an Idea for how I could convince her," you stated.

"Really? Like what?" he asked, confused.

"Well... Tell me a bit more about the job position that's open here.."

A huge smile spread across his face, and you two started plotting...

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now