The Underground

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Back to normal point of view!!


You were walking through Ballora gallery, making sure to take a moment to appreciate the quiet.  Ever since you had arrived here, there was always something going on, whether it was an argument, a game, or anything else. Not that you disliked the company of the others company, it was just the fact having quietness was a rarity, so why not appreciate it. you felt a small breeze fly through, making you feel kind of cold. Then a thought came into your head. Where was everybody. You hadn't actually seen anybody other than Lolbit, Ennard and Yenndo ever since you left the kitchen this morning. They couldn't have gone outside the pizzeria, could they? After all, it would be pretty weird seeing a brightly coloured fox or bear walking down the street. Then the silence was broken by the door to the breaker room opening. Of course, it was Freddy. He walked over to you and you noticed he looked like he had been blushing, but once again ignored it. "Hey Early Bird!" He chimed.

"Hey Fred."

"So, what are you doing?" Freddy inquired.

"I was actually coming to look for you."

"Oh! I was actually coming to look for you!" That made both of you blush slightly, and after a couple of seconds, you continued the conversation," I have two questions.."

"Go on?"

"One, where is everybody? And two, do you guys sleep on your stages, or do you actually have your own room? I noticed that Ennard, Lolbit and Yenndo have a room, but I wasn't sure about you guys."

"To answer your first question, they are underground," you were confused, but before you could question it, he continued, "And to answer your second question, we actually do have our own rooms. It's kind of hard to explain, so I could show you if you'd like."


Freddy grabbed your hand and started leading you through the pizzeria to the back where you hadn't been before. The walls had turned more dull colours than before, giving off a more eerie vibe. You looked in front of you and saw a large elevator shaft. How long had that been there?! You decided not to question things any further and got into the elevator and started the long decent down. To fill the space however, there were some casual bongos.

After the elevator came to stop, Freddy led you out into a long hallway that led to a shut door. As you walked further down, you started hearing some familiar voices from the other side of the door. They sounded just like Foxy, Ballora and Bon-bon. Once you finally reached the door, you noticed it had some words written on it. Sister Location. Why did it have that written on it? Did it mean something?

All of a sudden Freddy pushed open the door and walked into a well lit room. It was incredibly welcoming and homely and felt nothing like the previous hallway you were just in. It looked like you had entered a living room of some sort. The walls were painted a nice creme colour, with wooden skirting boards circling it. You took off your shoes, placing them by the door so you didn't make the floor dirty. It was a lovely soft carpet. There were also a couple bookshelves in the room displaying things like photo's and books, and there were a couple sofas facing a T.V that was attached to a fireplace that was turned off. Ballora was sat over by the bookshelves, and Foxy was sat on one of the sofas talking to Bon-bon about something. Bon-bon was small enough to perch himself on a small coffee table in front of Foxy. It seemed that if he sat on one of the sofas, he would instantly sink into it just because of how small he was.

Freddy then showed you around some more, showing you where the kitchen was (and this time it looked more like a kitchen you would see inside of someone's home instead of a commercial one like upstairs), where the dining room was, where the bathroom was and where everybody's bedrooms were. After having a quick tour, you and Freddy both decide to go hang out in his room for a while.

It was a pretty well decorated room. The walls were painted a nice light grey colour and everything was neatly organised. "You're probably wondering what all of this is underground." Freddy said.


"Allow me to explain. This underground part we are in is called Sister Location. It's a separate part of the pizzeria where all of us basically live when we aren't performing. During weekdays, we would normally stay upstairs just to make it easier, but that comes at the cost of not sleeping in a bed for a little bit. You get used to it after a while."

"Does every Fazbear Pizzeria have an underground part like this?"

"Yup! All of the restaurants are pretty close together so these underground bits all have tunnels that lead to the others whenever we want to visit since we can't go outside. It would be pretty weird for a kid to see their favourite entertainers out on the street."

"Especially if they don't know who you are," you chuckle to yourself. Both you and Freddy stay quiet for a moment.

"So, what do you want to do?" Freddy asked,

"Well, I'm not sure." You say.

Freddy rubbed the back of his head with his hand nervously and then looked you in the eyes. "Listen, I can't really keep this to myself anymore... I have something important to tell you..."

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now