Funtime Auditorium

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You and Freddy left Ballora Gallery and started down the hall towards Funtime Auditorium. You were slightly confused. Why would we be heading to Funtime Auditorium if that was where Freddy performed. "Hey Freddy?"


"Why are we heading to Funtime Auditorium? Isn't that where you perform?"

"Yes, but it's not just me that performs there. Funtime foxy "Shares" a stage with me." 

You suddenly remembered. How could you forget about Funtime Foxy, especially with how loud his voice is. No wonder it's called Funtime Auditorium. You and Freddy entered Funtime Auditorium. It looked different empty. Now you could get a better look at it.

The walls were painted a matte, orchid with stars once again being projected on the walls just like in Ballora's Gallery. The floor was a black and white checker pattern and surprisingly had no confetti on it. The stage was pretty large and had purple curtains that were pulled back, revealing Funtime Foxy sat on the edge of the stage. He waved Funtime Freddy over, not realising you were there. You followed Funtime Freddy over to the stage, staying slightly hidden behind him. Funtime Foxy had always been kind of intimidating to you, especially with how loud his voice could be. Yes, Funtime Freddy was loud, but that was a bubbly sort of loud, not nearly as commanding. "Why are you walking around so early then?" Funtime Foxy said. You flinched slightly at his voice.

"No introduction or anything?" Funtime Freddy joked.

"Hey, I'm Funtime Foxy! I think we've met before because we SEE EACH OTHER EVERY DAY." Funtime foxy had a sarcastic voice whilst saying that.

"Alright, Alright, no need to shout."

"Fine. Now answer my question. I know damn well you don't walk around this early on normal days."

"Well, I wanted to introduce you to somebody. Meet (your name)!" Funtime Freddy stepped to the side, letting you and Foxy look eye to eye. "H-hey." You said, your voice barely above a whisper. Funtime Foxy turned to look at you, "Heyy, I think I've seen you before...Are you that person who always comes here?" You nodded your head. "Well, nice to meet you! I'm sure you know who I am by now! I am obviously the best here after all." You giggle at this statement, turning to look at Freddy who was obviously offended at what foxy just said. "Hey, you aren't the best here!" Freddy complained.

"Then who is?"

"I- Er. Nobody Is?"

"That's what I thought." Funtime Foxy snapped, making you jump slightly. His voice is very loud and commanding. Funtime foxy turned to look at you again, " You alright? You flinched for a minute."

"Yeah, I'm alright.."

"Alright then... So why are you here this early? We aren't even open yet."

You hesitated slightly, and then explained. Funtime Foxy let out a small snicker and looked back up at Fred, "Wow Fred, I didn't know you had a Boyfriend/Girlfriend~" He teased.

Funtime Freddy's face turned bright red, as did yours. " THEY AREN'T MY BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND" Freddy whined.

"That's what they all say." he said, bursting out laughing. Funtime Freddy muttered something inaudible. He turned to look at you with a kind of annoyed expression and then smiled, trying to lighten the mood, "Hey, how about we go see Circus Baby?"

"Sure." you say, and Freddy leads you out of the room quickly.

Whilst you were walking down the hall, you hear Funtime Freddy say something. "Hey, I'm sorry about Foxy, he just get's a bit too confident sometimes.."

"It's alright," you say, slightly embarrassed.


NOTE: Unless I say otherwise, Funtime foxy will always be a male in my stories!!

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