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You and Freddy slowly walked down the halls towards his room, the only sounds being the distant sounds of the others. You were both walking at a pretty slow pace, which was peaceful, and Freddy seemed pretty tired. You stared at him whilst you kept walking forward, and he let out a massive yawn, half rubbing his eye with his large paw. You reached out your hand in front of you and gently but quickly placed it in his, clasping it. He stopped walking for a moment and looked back at you and smiled, his tired eyes squinting slightly and a small blush rising to his face. You felt your face heat up slightly, but this time, you didn't try and shake it away quickly; There wasn't really any point if you were being honest. He looked forward again and you both started walking again, each others hands clasped together. Soon enough, you reached the door to his room and he gently pushed it open, leading you inside.

Once inside, he pushed the door shut and stood pensively in front of you. "So..." he started,

"Do you have a pair of Pyjamas..?" he asked, kind of embarrassed?

"Of course I do, let me just get them out of my bag." you said, strolling towards the small bag you had, unzipping the top of it. You rummaged through for a good couple of minutes in search for the so said pyjamas you had packed, but to no avail. You flopped back on to the floor and sighed deeply, placing your hands over your eyes. Looks like you hadn't packed a pair of pyjamas. "Are you alright?" Freddy asked, walking over to check if you were okay.

"Well..." you hesitated, "I kinda forgot to pack a pair of pyjamas.."

You felt Freddy's paws clasp around your wrists as he gently lifted your hands off your face so you could see him. You felt him grab you from under your arms as he hoisted you off the floor in one big sweeping motion. " E-EH!? FREDDY!?" you say, flustered, your face turning a deep hue of pink and red. Freddy just laughed as a response. "H-HOW CAN YOU EVEN PICK ME UP!?!?!?" you whined, still pretty flustered.

Freddy didn't put you down, "Well to me, you're light as a feather~" Freddy teased.

"Freddy, put me downnnn." saying that made you sound like a little kid.

"Nope." He said, chuckling to himself as he held you in his arms.

"But we still have to sort out my pyjamas."

Freddy paused for a moment, thinking, and then started talking again, "W-well.. You could.. Kinda, borrow one of my pairs? But only if you want-"

"Wait really?" you ask, kind of flattered.

"Yeah, if you want to. They might be a bit big but that won't matter for now, would it?" Freddy's face had turned a pink shade, he had a knack for flustering himself. You nodded and hugged Freddy as he gently placed you down onto the floor, walking over to a closet at the side of the room and opening it, he quickly reached inside and pulled two pairs of Pyjamas, one for him and one for you. He gave you the pyjamas and stepped to the corner of the room and faced away from you. "Why are you-" you started, but before you could finish, Freddy quickly answered.

" I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable whilst you get changed," Freddy said.

"Oh, Thanks"

"No problem.. Now maybe start getting changed, I don't wanna stand here all night," He joked.

You slightly chuckled at this and started getting changed into the pyjamas. They were obviously too big for you, but they were incredibly comfy. It was a set of white bottoms with purple stars patterned around on them, paired with a plain purple, long sleeved top. "all ready!"

Freddy turned around and looked at you, almost immediately blushing. The pyjamas were so big on you, that it looked like 90% of you was pyjamas. He walked over to you and ruffled up your hear with his large paws. You tried to playfully swat away his paw, but the sleeves of your top passed your hands, so it was more like flapping about some cotton. He let out a childish giggle and stopped ruffling your hair. "Alright then, since I was kind enough to stand in the corner, now it's your turn," he said playfully. You nodded as a response and walked over to the corner, facing away from Freddy as he got his Pyjamas on. After what seemed like waiting forever, he finally finished putting on his pyjamas and you turned around. The Pyjamas obviously fit him a lot better than they fit you, and complemented him just like they did you. It felt cute you were wearing matching clothes.

You and Freddy stood pensively and stared into each others eyes, only to be broken by Freddy letting out a large yawn, making you yawn. You hadn't really realised how tired you actually were until you yawned, and you slowly trudged toward Freddy, leaning your weight into him as he wrapped his arms around you. You felt your entire body weight being lifted off the floor as he hoisted you into his arms and carried you over to his bed, gently placing you down and lying beside you. Soon enough, you collapsed into a deep sleep, as Freddy placed his arm gently over you and covering you both with the bed spread.

A/N: Please remember that in this story, they are not animatronics, but living organisms ⊂((・▽・))⊃

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