A Fresh Start

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Slinging your bag over your shoulder and shoving your phone in your pocket, you stood up from your table and grabbed Freddy by the hand and started leading him quickly across the pizzeria. You swerve strategically through waves of children pushing and shoving each other to get to the arcade machines. You might be being a little bit forceful pulling Freddy along like this, but you look back to see him and see he is smiling and laughing like a schoolboy going on a field trip. You turn to face back in front of you, once again turning a slight shade of red; but you had to stay focused and get to where you needed to go.

After escaping the clutches of the main stages and prying eyes of adults, you slowed your pace to a quick walk. You brought the two of you to a room labelled "OFFICE" and stopped right outside of the door. Was this really going to work? I mean, what if they decline me? You thought doubtfully. "Hey, Why did we stop? Is everything alright?" Freddy asked.

"Well, what if they don't accept me for the job? I haven't had any experience in the past and I might not be good enough for the job.." You mumbled, not thinking he could hear you; But he obviously did.

"Hey, look at me." he said sternly, shocking you a little bit, " Don't say you aren't good enough for the job because you are. I only just met you recently and even I can see that. Heck, you managed to sneak in here at 1:50 this morning!"

You smiled at him, "Thank's Fred."

"No problem Early Bird! Now head inside and get that job, I'll wait outside for you here."

You nodded your head with enthusiasm and knocked on the door. "Come in." a voice said from the inside. You pressed open the door and walked inside, shutting it behind you. The room was small and dimly lit, with a desk with loads of paperwork on it. A man was sat at the desk, wearing a.. purple suit..? His face was shaved, and he had what seemed like quite a thin build, making him look a bit creepy. "Erm, hi..? I recently heard you had some job positions open."

"I know." The man said with a gruff voice.

"How did you know?"

"These walls aren't as soundproof as they seem. I can hear you when you are stood outside the front of my door." he stated. Great. He must've heard I have had no experience. I'm screwed. You thought to yourself. "No need to worry about experience. We welcome newcomers openly. all we need is your full name, date of birth and for you to sign out a quick form."

You were shocked. They would accept your request for the job even with no experience!? You told the man your full name and your date of birth and started filling in the form when you heard the man say, "So what position would you like."

"Pardon?" you ask, confused.

"What job position would you like? We have the Day-shift and the Night-shift currently open. The Day-shift starts at 9:00 A.M and ends at 5:00 P.M, whereas the Night-shift is 12:00 A.M to 6:00 A.M."

"Oh! Is it possible for me to take both?"

The man grinned a somewhat menacing smile. "Of course. Just finish signing those forms first."

You finished signing the forms and handed them back to the man. "So when do I start?"

"You can start today if you'd like."

You nodded your head and shook hands with the man behind the desk. Perfect, that means I get to stay here day and night, I'm practically living here now. You thought to yourself. The man started talking again, "By the way, call me Afton... Mr Afton."

You walked out the room and back to Funtime Freddy, who was leaning against one of the walls, patiently waiting for you. He must not have realised you were there, so you tapped him on the shoulder excitedly. He turned his head to look at you eagerly. "So how did it go." he asked, obviously excited.

"I got the job! I work the day AND the night-shift!!" You burst out. Both of you almost instantly grabbed each other tightly for a hug and then after a moment of realisation, you both pulled back, embarrassed.

Both of you quickly apologised, and then happily walked back to the main room... Why did you both do that? You pondered.....

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now