Wake up!! (pt 1)

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Darkness surrounded you as an ear-bleeding sound rang in your ears. You had no idea what had happened, or where you currently were, but everything felt like it was in agony. Your bones felt stiff and your muscles felt like they were forever clenched tight. It was like someone had tightened everything in your body so badly, that you might pop at any moment. You tried to pry your eyes back open but they seemed to be "glued shut". Maybe you could at least try and get some sort of sense of your surroundings. You thought to yourself. It felt like something soft was placed beneath yourself, a bed perhaps? and your head was propped up against something, opening your airways enough to make breathing easy. You were sure that if whoever ,or whatever, it was that placed you where you were hadn't propped your head up like that, then your chest would've collapsed on itself.

After lying there for a couple of moments, you decided to at least try get some control back of your body. You started by focusing on your fingertips and toes, attempting to gain some control. You focused on what was around them, and all the different sensations they were feeling, and soon enough, you gained slight control back over them. Well, something's better than nothing... You thought to yourself. You slowly worked your way up your body, sure enough gaining a little bit of power back each time. Your legs, then your arms, followed by your torso, and then your face...

You pried your eyes open and shot upright, immediately scanning your surroundings. It was incredibly welcoming and homely and it looked like you were in a living room of some sort. The walls were painted a nice creme colour, with wooden skirting boards circling it. The floor was a lovely soft carpet. There were also a couple bookshelves in the room displaying things like photo's and books, and there were a couple sofas , one of which you had realised you were lying on, facing a T.V that was attached to a fireplace that was turned off.

All of this felt incredibly familiar... You were alone in the room as far as you could tell... Not another person in sight... You immediately tried to sit upright, but just as you were trying, you felt a force on your body push you back down into a lying position... The force didn't hurt at all, it actually felt pretty... Soft? But it was just enough to push you back into a lying position, making it clear to you that you should stay led down for some reason. You looked forward to your torso and to your surprise, a brightly coloured fox was crouching on it. They were a LOT lighter than they looked, and were coloured white with orange and purple accents... Where had you seen them before... "No can do! I've been tasked with keeping you safe, and that means making sure you're recovering safely!" the fox said cheerily.

"Erm... First, Who are you, and second, what do you mean recovery?" you said, baffled,

"You don't-... Never mind, I'm Lolbit!" they started, "Don't you remember what happened?"


"Well, after Freddy winked at you, You collapsed onto the table." you questioned how they sounded so cheery and casual when saying that.

"Wait... I what!?"

"Yup, you collapsed. Not sure why though... You had everyone pretty worried, especially Freddy. He carried you down here as quick as possible and did everything he could to help."

"How long have I been unconscious..?" you asked,

"Gosh you're full of questions, aren't you! Well if I've counted right, then it's been a whole day!"

"A WHOLE DAY?! I'VE GOT TO G-" you went to get up, but before you could, Lolbit placed their hand on your chest, keeping you down, "Right... I'm supposed to be recovering..."

"Now you're getting it!" Lolbit exclaimed. You wanted to get back to your flat, but Lolbit probably had a point. Your head still felt strange and your muscles still ached.

"How are you so light?" you finally ask, curious.

"I'm glad you asked!" Lolbit said, "Let's just say I'm not like other Foxes," and just like that Lolbit sprung off of you gracefully and started... levitating in the air!? Great, so you were insane. "Now I know what you're thinking... 'I must be insane?!'. Trust me, everyone thought they were when they found out I could do this,"


You and Lolbit delved into conversation pretty easily, it was almost as if you two already knew each other. Something you did find suspicious however was that they already knew your name. You decided not to question this however. Time seemed to just fly by. Suddenly, a grey bear walked into the room and sat in one of the armchairs, picking up a book close to him, called "50 shades of grey".

"Oh Yenndo? Aren't you supposed to be in the kitchen?" Lolbit said,

"The pizzeria's closing, my shift is over,"

"Where's Ennard?"

"In our room," Yenndo's voice sounded pretty monotone and dull, but you decided not to judge a book by it's cover.

"Alright, thanks!" and soon enough Lolbit had disappeared. It was just you and Yenndo left in the room together... Silence filled the room almost instantly after Lolbit left, with the exception of the clock ticking and the occasional turn of a page. He was definitely a lot different to Lolbit.

"You realise that you can sit up if you want-" Yenndo didn't take his eyes off his book, "-Lolbit tends to take their job a bit too serious sometimes,"


"Well, yeah. Just take it slow though; I don't want to be responsible for anything happening to you, Freddy would flip."


You slowly and carefully managed to pull yourself upright and sat against the sofa. That small amount of action had somehow managed to make your muscles start aching again. "So... Do you know why I collapsed?" you ask, curious.

"Can't say I do... Freddy didn't really say all the details. I don't think he knew much either..."

"Oh okay"

Suddenly, the door to the room opened, and the whole band walked in... Freddy, Bonbon, C.B, Ballora and Foxy. You never in your life expected to be in a room with them all at once. It felt... Special..?

Out of the blue, Freddy leaped forward and swung his arms around you, enclosing you in a massive hug; Squeezing you tightly, but not tight enough to hurt you,"


A/N: Hey everyone, I'm so sorry this took longer to come out than normal, I just got caught up doing lots of other stuff is all!

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