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You exited the large showroom and headed back to the workshop where Lolbit was. You hadn't even realised how long you had spent working on this plan because upon looking out of the Pizzerias large windows, the sky had just started turning into a shade of blue. Whilst briskly walking across the room, you let your mind drift off, deep in thought. You were thinking back to what had recently happened, the kiss... It had felt so warm and comforting, so natural... You wondered if Freddy had woken up from that nap by now. He did say he was a light sleeper, and Foxy probably woke him up somehow. You started walking a bit faster towards the workshop, realising you didn't really want to spend too much more time away from Freddy. And because you hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, you were pretty hungry if you were being honest. Pushing your hunger and the thought of Freddy to the side, you opened the door to the workshop and strut quickly inside, expecting Lolbit to be in there. However, the room was void of any other life besides you. You looked at the table, and saw two decently sized cardboard boxes with a note in front of them. You picked up the note in your hand and started reading it.


If you're looking for me, then I have already head downstairs to S.L with Ennard and Yenndo. The legs are in these boxes and should be light enough to carry :>


Placing the note back on the table, you take a sneak peak inside each of the boxes. The craft-work was impeccable, and looked like they were always organic and not handmade. You picked up the boxes and just like the letter had said, they were light enough to carry. You pushed open the door and started making your way back across to the elevator all the way back down to S.L.

The elevator doorbell rang and the doors flew open and you stepped out into the hallway that lead to S.L. You went to open the door, but stopped for a moment. You listened closely to the other side of the door and heard laughter coming from inside. Laughter and a sense of friendliness. This gave you a tender feeling inside of you as you finally pushed the door open. Everyone was in the living room. Funtime Freddy and Funtime Foxy were sat at a sofa together with Bon-bon and Bonnet sat on each ones lap, Ballora had since moved from the bookshelf over to one of the smaller armchairs to the side. Ennard, Lolbit and Yenndo were all stood to the side, "talking" and joking with one another. And Circus Baby was just kind of sat to the side... You felt kind of bad for her. She hadn't really built the best relationships with the people she lived with, and as a result, didn't really sit with anyone. Well, hopefully my plan will help change that... You thought to yourself. Funtime Freddy looked up from his conversation with the others for a moment when he realised you were in the room. He smiled at you and called for you to come over and join them, "Hey Early Bird!! Come join us!" You blushed slightly at how happy he looked and walked over to where they were, placing the boxes to the side slightly.

"Oooo, what's in them?" Freddy asked inquisitively,

"Well, I've been busy running around the place doing all sorts of things to surprise you guys and I managed to get Lolbit to help make what's in the box."

"Well.. What is it? I need to know!!" Freddy said impatiently.

"Be patient Freddy," Foxy said.

"Maybe just a little sneak peak-" Freddy started leaning over to lift one of the lids of one of the boxes, but before he could you quickly but playfully batted his hand away from it, chuckling.


"If you wait little bit then I'd happily show you." you picked up the boxes and stood up in the centre of the room and gathered everyone around you. You started speaking, "So everyone, you might be wondering what I have to say. So, I have two things I want to say. The first thing is what is inside these boxes." you placed both boxes down onto the coffee table and everyone looked intrigued. "Bon-bon and bonnet, if you would like to do the honours."

Both the small rabbits hopped forward to the boxes and edged open the lids, gasping at what they saw inside. They pushed the lids off of the boxes and dragged the two sets of "prosthetic legs" out of the box. They looked at the legs and up at you with massive grins that spread across what seemed like their entire face. They immediately attached the legs to themselves and ran over to you to hug you. They seemed so grateful. "Don't thank me," you chuckled, "Thank Lolbit. They were the one who made them after all." the two released you from their grip and immediately ran over to where Lolbit was and hugged tightly around their legs.

"So, what was the second thing?" Foxy asked.

"Well, the second thing was," you started again, "Is that if I can get Mr. Afton to agree with it, then Freddy, Foxy, Ballora and Circus Baby will all be able to perform together as one big group. I think it will be an opportunity to better the relationships you guys all have with one another by seeing how much you guys actually need each other,"

Everyone seemed to nod in agreement and smiled at you, not so much Circus Baby but everyone else did. After a while of sitting in the living room with everyone, and Bon-bon and Bonnet running around with their new legs, the time soon dragged on and Freddy brought you back to his room...

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now