Can't sleep?

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Was that in my head?! You kept thinking to yourself, over and over again. You leaned against one of the cool walls of the Breaker Room, staring at the floor; deep in thought. You knew you weren't going to be able to fall asleep, so what was the point in trying anyways. No, it must've been my imagination. No way that Freddy likes you. You looked across the room at Freddy, who was already asleep by now. You didn't want to wake him up, so you just stayed put, still deep in thought. But what if it wasn't my imagination... What if he actually likes me?! You thought back to the argument Foxy and Freddy were having earlier on that day. Foxy had grabbed Freddy's microphone and was teasing him about something. And then something clicked in your mind. Wait.. What was Foxy going to say.. Freddy cut him off mid sentence.. but it kind of sounded like he was saying "Freddy Likes"- You stopped your thoughts in their tracks when you realised how deeply you were blushing. You placed your head in your hands and sighed quietly, obviously a bit overwhelmed with everything you were trying to process at once. No, get a grip of yourself. You're probably just overtired. You tried convincing yourself. It worked a bit, but you mainly just disappointed yourself slightly...

You obviously wouldn't be able to get to sleep anytime soon. Not because you didn't feel tired, but because you had overthought everything. You quietly walked across the room over to where the door was, being careful not to wake Freddy up. You went to open the door to the Breaker room, but only got as far as touching the handle when you heard a voice from behind you.
"Is everything alright?" Freddy said. You weren't sure how, but you had obviously woken him up.

"Sorry. I just couldn't get to sleep.." you said, apologising.

"It's alright. I know it isn't the most ideal room."

"Did I wake you up?"

"Maybe." he said, but then quickly continued, " But don't worry, I'm a light sleeper anyways."

"Where's Bonbon?"

"Oh, he's probably in the main office. Usually on a Friday night he needs to go there to help Bonnet and Ennard clean the vent's since they are the only ones able to actually get inside properly."

"Oh okay." you continued speaking, "Sorry again about waking you up.."

"It's alright." he said. Then he started talking in a calmer and more soothing voice. You didn't even realise how calm his voice could be until now; Usually it was all over the place and excited. "Would you... L-like some help getting back to sleep?" his voice sounded so calming and almost instantly made you blush a deep red.

"U-uh, sure." you quickly said, trying to hide how flustered you felt. Freddy beckoned for you to come over to him, and you slowly walked over to him. He seemed to have turned a slight red colour as well, but you just ignored it. He sat you down beside him and placed his arm gently around you, pulling you slowly closer. Neither of you said anything, and you hoped it would stay like that. It was kind of peaceful. You slowly rested your head on his shoulder, only just realising how tired you actually were. His fur was so soft and silky, almost like a cloud, and he was so warm. Soon enough, your eyelids started feeling heavy. You closed your eyes and quickly fell into sleep, any thoughts troubling you soon enough melting into the background.....

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now