I like you too

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Yes, there is kissing in this part. 


"I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now.... (name).... I really like you..."

You felt your face heat up, turning possibly the brightest shade of red it ever had. Your chest tightened as you slowly started processing what you had just heard. H-he what..?! I must be dreaming.... No way he just say that.. You felt your stomach twist and turn in knots. You didn't know what to say. You liked him as well, but no words would come out of your mouth. All you could do at the moment was sit silently as your heart pounded faster and faster with every passing second. You wanted to say something.. No... You NEEDED to say something... I can do this. Just tell him the truth... Say you like him back... "Is everything alri-" Freddy started, but you interrupted him before he could finish.

"I L-LIKE YOU TOO!!" You quickly blurted out before turning your face away, embarrassed. Neither of you said a thing for a few moments, both obviously flustered. You felt like everything wasn't real. Like this was all just a dream, and you would soon enough wake back up in your flat. None of this would've happened if you didn't sneak in that one night... Well, good thing you did... 

Freddy shuffled around where he was sat, obviously wanting to start conversation, "So... Are we a... Thing now?"

"I suppose so." You say. Both of you manage to look back at each other, staring longingly into one another's eyes. That moment could've lasted forever, but you didn't care. All that mattered right now was what just happened.

All of a sudden, you felt Freddy's arm wrap around your back. He pulled you quickly in and started kissing you passionately. You melted into the kiss, feeling the heat of his lips fuse with your own. He gently ran his free hand through your hair, resting it at the nape of your neck as if he were cradling your head; keeping you held close to him.. You didn't mind, however, since it made you feel loved. His hand gently stroked the back of your head as you continued kissing, and you gently lifted one of your hands to stroke one of his ears. He let out a soft purring sound, giving you butterflies. You felt him gently nip your lower lip, asking for entry. You decided to keep your lips shut, just to see what would happen, and he nipped your lower lip again, this time slightly harder. You let your mouth slip slightly open, and he shot his tongue quickly through the opening. Both of your tongues intertwined with one another, and started exploring every section of each others mouths. At first you thought it would've been gross touching tongues, but it felt warm as it brushed against your own. You gently rested your hand on Freddy's chest as both of you pulled away from the kiss and gazed into each others eyes lovingly. You threw your arms around him and hugged him tightly, knocking him to the ground. A huge smile spread across your face as you buried your head into his chest. Freddy laughed a little and then rested his hand across your shoulders. He felt like a big, warm blanket. "I'm glad you feel the same way as me." Freddy said.

"Me too." you said as you started gently stroking his ear again. He started purring slightly once again. "What should we do about the others?" Freddy asked.

"Maybe we should just keep this between us for the time being."

Freddy nodded, and you let yourself melt into him, without a care in the world...

You couldn't believe what just happened...

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now