Care to dance

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You and Freddy walk down the halls of the pizzeria with one another, sunlight pouring through the windows. Whilst walking with him, thoughts rush through your head. I, am talking with Funtime Freddy. Me? And Funtime Freddy? Never thought I'd see this happening anytime soon. You bring yourself back to reality and away from your thoughts. You notice Funtime Freddy keeps glancing at you, smiling? You decide not to bring it up since it might make things a bit awkward.

Soon enough, Funtime Freddy has led you to Ballora Gallery. The walls were painted a beautiful violet, with projections of stars moving around them like a night sky. In the centre of the room was what seemed like a dance floor for young children to dance alongside Ballora. But the main spectacle of it all was the stage. Silky, blue coloured curtains were pulled back, revealing a large stage. Cutout stars dangled from above the stage, and fairy lights traced the rim of the stage, giving it a sort of whimsical look. You stare at the stage, and without a doubt, you see Ballora dancing gracefully; Her pink tutu billowing out around her.

You and Freddy walk up to the stage, and you keep silent. You hadn't seen Ballora nearly as much as the others. Not because you didn't like her, but because you often spent most of your time at Funtime Freddy's show. Just because you knew when everyone's showtime was, doesn't mean you watched every single one.. "Hey Ballora!" you heard Funtime Freddy say.

"Hello Freddy, You usually aren't out the Breaker Room this early. Is everything alright?" Ballora's voice sounded harmonic, and soft.

"Everything's prefect! I just wanted you to meet somebody!"

"Meet somebody?"

"Yeah, say hi to (name)"

You wave shyly at Ballora, "Hi."

"Hello dear, pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Then you noticed something.. Ballora had her eyes closed? "Er, not meaning to sound rude but.. Why do you have your eyes closed.?"

Ballora stayed silent for a moment and Funtime Freddy shuffled where he stood for a moment. Did you say something wrong? You were going to start talking again but were stopped by the sound of Ballora's voice. "You see, my dear, I can't really open my eyes. I'm practically rendered blind." Ballora continued, "None of us really know why, but I can't open both of my eyes at the same time; There are small occasions where I can open one eye, but not both at the same time."

You felt bad for asking now, " Oh, I'm sorry for asking.."

"It's alright dear, you get used to it after a while." You looked at Funtime Freddy, and he gave you a small smile and a nod. Turning your gaze back to Ballora, you sit down at the edge of her stage. She twirled about a bit and came to stand next to you. You were amazed, how could somebody who was blind figure out exactly where you were. "How did you do that!" you say, shocked. Ballora and Freddy let out a small chuckle. "Well, let's just say my other senses are better than my sight."

"That's so cool!" you exclaim. How incredible she has adapted to living with practically no sight.

"Thank you my dear, would you care for a dance?"


Ballora took your hand and started to dance with you, moving in big elegant motions. you can't remember the last time you danced like this, possibly when you were younger? Following Ballora's movements, you danced for a good minute, it felt like you were walking on air. You look down at Freddy, a big smile spreading across your face. He looked up at you and smiled. Then you noticed another thing that made you burst out laughing. Freddy looked jealous?!

You and Ballora stopped dancing after a while and you ran down towards Freddy, throwing your arms around him in a big hug, unable to contain your happiness. Freddy looked over to Ballora, who had managed to open one of her eyes for a short amount of time. She smiled at him. "I'll let you go meet the others now dear." Ballora said.

You released Freddy from your hug, and immediately started blushing. You were too caught up in the moment to even realise what you were doing. You quickly shook away your blush before he could see and looked up at Freddy, to see he was smiling at you. Why was I blushing so much!?

You and Freddy said goodbye to Ballora and started making your way to Funtime Auditorium....

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now