In Your Arms

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Funtime Freddy held them in his arms, gently hugging them against his chest. He gently ran his hands through their hair. He felt their cheek. It was freezing cold. Why were they so cold?! He pressed them closer to his chest, trying to warm them up from their frozen state. He pulled a worried expression on his face. Why were you asleep here? He thought to himself. Why am I even helping you like this. We barely know each other. He turned and walked back over to where he was standing before, being wary to not wake them up. "What are you even doing?" Bon-bon said.

"I can't just let them freeze to death, can I?"

"Looks like you have a soft spot for this person~" Bon-bon teased. Funtime Freddy took no notice and just stared into their eyes. A small smile started to creep onto his face. "They look so peaceful."

Bon-bon sighed, "And what are you going to do with them. We both know they shouldn't be here after hours."

Funtime Freddy thought for a moment, "We will ask them when they wake up. For now, I think they need some rest."

"Why are you helping them? Usually you would go crazy if another person was in here."

"I guess.. It's just something different about them.."

Why do I feel so different around them. I never feel like this around the rest of the band. Heck, I don't even know them yet I act like we've been friends since we were small. Funtime Freddy stood pensively with them in his arms as Bon-bon drifted off back to sleep, being wary not to wake either one. Maybe he could talk to them and try to get to know them a bit better when they woke up; hopefully they wouldn't get scared and run away like some of the employees do...

After a while, all three of them fell asleep in the darkness of the BREAKER ROOM. The only sounds you could hear were the shallow breathing of all three of them combined...

And then light started to creep in from a crack beneath the door...

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now