Welcome back Early bird!

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The elevator let out a high pitched ding as you reached the underground. God it relieved you so much to hear the familiar sounds of this place. You run your hand across the wall and through the cracks that run along it as you walked down the hallway towards the door that opened to the living room. Your heart started pumping a bit more as you stopped outside the door and reached for the handle. You stopped for a moment, resting your hand on the door handle. What were you even going to say when you walked into the room? What were they going to say? It wasn't like you had just returned from a walk, you were returning from hospital. The one thing you hated.

Just as you were about to grab and turn the handle, the door rattled. You took a small step back as the door pushed open, "I'm sure nobody's out here and you're just hearing things-" Circus baby stopped talking and locked eyes with you, seemingly shocked to see you. She and you stayed silent for a couple moments and then she stepped back and welcomed you into the room. Her attitude had changed since you last saw her... She seemed more Friendly and accepting this time? Either way, you decided to come inside.

Everyone besides Freddy was sat inside of the living room. Foxy was sat on the sofa with Bon bon and Bonnet on his lap, with Ennard sat next to him. Yenndo was sat on the armchair with Lolbit sleeping peacefully on his lap as he read his book, 50 shades of Grey. 

Ballora was sat at a table slightly to the side, with a seat that had been pulled out next to her. You guessed that had been where Circus Baby was sat before she opened the door. "Well I guess I stand corrected," Circus Baby said, as she shut the door behind you. Everyone's heads looked up and locked upon you, as silence filled the room. "Well what a pleasant surprise!" Foxy exclaimed, his voice confident as ever. Bon Bon's ears twitched slightly as he hopped down from Foxy's lap towards you, stopping just in front of you. He looked up at you, and started speaking, "I think everyone knows that there's a certain someone who needs to see you."

You nodded, "Yeah... Do you know where he is..?"

"He's in his room... Ever since whatever happened with you, he hasn't come out unless he needs to." 


You walked down the hallway that led to Freddy's room, a smile creeping slowly across your face. You had no idea for how long you'd been gone for, but you still missed him lots. You missed his voice, his eyes, his touch. Everything about him was just perfect in your eyes. You reached the door to his room, shut tight. You lifted your hand and knocked on the door. Silence.

You knocked once again and heard a slight shuffling from behind the door. Should you open the door? Or should you wait for an answer? Just as you were about to knock once more, the door to his room clicked open and revealed none other than, Funtime Freddy. He stood with one arm holding the door frame for support and the other wiping tired eyes. He had obviously just woken up from sleep. Even whilst slightly slumped over, he still stood pretty tall. It looked like he had been... Crying? "Who is it-" he cut off mid sentence as he realised who was stood in front of him, and his eyes widened. You gave him a soft smile and a slight wave.

He threw his arms around you and let all his body slump into you as he buried his head in your shoulder. You wrapped your arms around him as you both shared this tender moment. His whole body felt like it was trembling like a jelly, and his breath felt shaky against your skin. "Are you alright Freddy?" you asked, not letting go. He didn't respond, and instead just buried his head further into your shoulder. You didn't question his response, and just stood there as he fell to his knees, still holding you tightly. How long had you been gone for him to have reacted like this..?  You gently stroked behind his ear, as he didn't say a word. It seemed he wanted to say something, but no words were coming out of his mouth. After a while more, you heard him start to mumble something quietly in your shoulder. "You scared me,"

You hadn't heard his voice sound so.... Vulnerable, before. It kind of surprised you. You obviously meant a lot to him. "How long was I gone for..?"

"... Just under two weeks..." you hadn't expected him to say that. Around two weeks?! It definitely had been longer than you had initially thought. You decided now wasn't the time to question how long it had been, or what had happened... You just wanted to be present with Freddy. It was like you had just rejoined with a missing part of you...

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now