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Leading all three of your friends into the kitchen, making them sit at a table. You had to accustom yourself to the layout of the kitchen and where everything was because even though you knew where the kitchen was, you had never actually been inside of it before. To the left hand side was a large dishwasher and some shelves with condiments on it. There were plenty of counters in there and a large oven that still smelt of pizza. There was also a large commercial microwave and fridge to your right, filled to the brim with fresh food products. If you had to guess, whoever cooked in the kitchen the most obviously took good care of it. You were pretty impressed. "So what do you guys want for supper?" you ask.

There was a jumble of voices, each one saying either "pizza", "cookies" or "cakes". You chuckled at how everyone looked at each other. "Y'know what, how about I just surprise you." They all nodded in agreement and sat on one of the counters at the side, like little children; Well maybe Foxy and Freddy did, but not as much Ballora, she was more mature. You started baking and grabbing all of the ingredients you needed to make it. All of a sudden, three more people started to walk into the room. One of them was humanoid, like Circus Baby and Ballora, and was significantly taller than everybody. They also seemed to be wearing a green and yellow party hat and a clown nose. The second one was a fox that looked almost identical to Funtime Foxy, accept for the fact that instead of being pink, they were purple and orange. The third one was a bear like Freddy but instead of being brightly coloured, they were grey with golden eyes.

The three of them walked in and stopped at the doorway, confused as to who you were. Then the grey bear spoke up, "Why are you in my kitchen?" his voice was deep and monotone, almost the complete opposite of Freddy's.

Then Freddy butt in, "Now I remember! I didn't introduce you guys. (name) this is Lolbit, Ennard and Yenndo. Lolbit, Ennard and Yenndo, this is (name)."

You waved at the three with a welcoming smile on your face, " Hello you three. Let me guess... You're Ennard, you're Lolbit and you're Yenndo?"

Lolbit let out an excited gasp "How did you know?!?!"

"Just a feeling. You can sit down if you'd like. I'm making everyone supper!"

Lolbit and Ennard went and sat down with the others, but Yenndo stayed exactly where he was, "You do realise this is my kitchen," Yenndo said.

"Your kitchen?" you say, confused.

"Well who else do you think cooks these guys food? If you put them in a kitchen, they'd be hopeless." Yenndo said, his voice still flat.

"Oh, erm, Would you like to join me in making some supper?"

"Sure, got nothing better to do." Yenndo walked over next to you, "So what are we making?" he asked. You whispered something in his ear and nodded, and started to get to work with you. You had had a little bit of experience cooking before since you always had to take care of sick people in your family. But since you moved halfway across the country, you haven't had to cook nearly as much. You kind of missed cooking like this.

After a while, you and Yenndo finally finished making some chocolate eclairs and placed them all on a tray in front of the others. Everyone took one and started eating them. "Mmmm, These are delicious!" Foxy exclaimed.

"What's your secret?!" Lolbit asked.

You chuckled slightly, "A magician never reveals their secrets." you sat next to Freddy and noticed that he was staring at you, smiling and... Blushing? This made you blush slightly but you shook it off. "There's one spare..?" Ballora said, confused.

"Yeah, I made it for Circus Baby. Even if she may be cruel to you guys, I want to try make a change." you say.

After everyone had finished eating, Freddy lead you to the Breaker Room. Ironically, that would have to be where you stayed if you "moved" into Circus Baby's Pizza World. Everybody had insisted on it. Neither of you said a thing whilst walking there, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more like a peaceful silence. And then something whispered something in your ear...

"Freddy Likes you.."

You whipped around , blushing. But nobody was there...

Was that in my head..?

Time to Party ( Funtime Freddy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now