Funtime Quarrel

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As the last few people flooded out for the day, you headed around the back and went into one of the storage rooms to pick up your brand new uniform. The storage room was also dimly lit making it hard to find, especially with the stacks of boxes everywhere. The room smelt slightly musty and old, making you wonder just how long it had been since somebody had tidied up in here. Placing your bag down by the door, you started rummaging through all the boxes labelled uniform. Of course, you only found the uniform made for you in the final box you looked in. How ironic. Picking it up out of the box, you started to examine what your new uniform looked like. It had a purple blouse with gold coloured shoulders, and was made out of a type of cotton. There was a pair of dark grey trousers that complimented the blouse. You looked further into the box and found a pair of black, finger less gloves and a purple security guard hat.

You slung the uniform over your shoulder and grabbed your bag, making your way to the toilets to get changed into them. Seeing as you decided to start today, there wasn't really any point in leaving the Pizzeria. After all, it wasn't like you had many places to go other than here.. You exited one of the toilet stalls and looked at yourself in the large mirror. The uniform fit perfectly and complimented all of your features perfectly. Looks like the owner had a thing for purple, and you could see why.

You walked out into Funtime Auditorium, where it looked like Foxy and Bon-bon were teasing Freddy. Funtime Freddy was chasing Foxy around and Foxy was running away with Freddy's microphone. Bon-bon hopped over to you, giggling to himself. "Hey pal!" He said.

"Hey Bon-bon! So, how do I look?"

"Great! Freddy told me about your flat and getting the job. Happy to have you around!"

You smiled and then looked back at Freddy and Foxy, "Erm, should we stop them..?"

"Nah, It's funny to watch and they normally sort it out themselves."

"Are they always like this?" you ask, chuckling to yourself.

"Not always, but they almost always like getting on each others nerves."

Both of you looked back at Freddy and Foxy. Foxy held Freddy's microphone above his head and even though Freddy was the taller one of the two, he couldn't manage to get it back. Every time he went to go grab it, Foxy would always dart out of the way just in time. Freddy was growling at Foxy, who in return would just laugh his head off. bon-bon was right, this was incredibly amusing. Foxy dashed on top of the stage and turned Freddy's microphone and started shouting something into it. " FUNTIME FREDDY LIKES-" But before he could finish, Freddy tackled him to the ground, knocking the microphone out of his hand. Foxy pushed Freddy off of him and desperately tried to scramble away, still laughing like crazy but before he could get away, Freddy pulled him by his tail across the stage and ran to pickup the microphone. Foxy threw his whole body weight onto Freddy and even though he was probably lighter than Freddy, he managed to knock Freddy to the ground. The two boys started arguing and tugging at each other and you giggled to yourself as they had a little scrap on the floor. Both the boys were growling at each other now, and this looked like it was going to go from chasing each other around the room, to getting physical.

You watched with Bon-bon as the two boys started ragging each other around and then suddenly, Ballora and Circus Baby burst through the door at the same time. "BOYS! What did we say about fighting!?" Ballora exclaimed, sounding like a concerned mother. Both Freddy and Foxy stood up and turned away from each other, their heads bowed. "Well?" Ballora asked.

" Not to get physical.." They both mumbled at the same time.

"Now apologise." Ballora commanded.

"But HE STARTED IT!" Freddy complained.

"Oh Please! I was doing you a favour." Foxy said sarcastically.



Before they could begin arguing again, you and Bon-bon burst out laughing. Everyone turned to look at you two quickly. Quite obviously, none of them had realised you were in the room. After a while of you and Bon-bon laughing at how childish the others were being, you finally calmed down and the room was silent for a moment. "H-how long have you been there..?"

"Long enough." you chuckled.

"Why are you still here after hours." Circus Baby spat. She looked annoyed.

"Well." You started, "I now work the Night-shift AND the Day-shift. So don't think you get to talk to me like that." you said cockily. Somebody had to stop Circus Baby treating people the way she did, and you were going to make a start with whether she liked it or not.

"I'll talk to you how I damn well want. I'm the leader here, not you."

You were getting annoyed with her attitude, "No you won't. Just because you have gotten away with talking like that to the others, doesn't mean you get away with it for me. And news flash, You aren't my leader."

Listen here you little-" she started saying as she walked over to you, but she was interrupted by none other than Freddy stepping protectively in front of you, growling deeply. You hadn't really seen Freddy annoyed before...

"Out of the way Freddy." Circus Baby spat.

"No." Funtime Freddy said in a deeper than normal voice. It was almost menacing and made the whole room silent.

"Fine. Have it your way. But we aren't done with this."

Circus Baby quickly span around and strut out of the room, obviously annoyed. "Wow Freddy. I didn't know you could be that menacing or protective." Foxy remarked. Neither did you..

"I don't think she did either," he added. Freddy moved away from you and turned to look at you. "Nice uniform." he complimented, slightly flustering himself.

"Thank you. How about we go and make some food." You remarked.

They all nodded and followed you out to the kitchen...

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