The "RETIRED" Room

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Soon enough, the kitchen was empty of all the others beside you. You didn't realise just how much noise everyone made combined until you heard what the room sounded like silent. It was peaceful, but in a strange way; like you were almost missing something that was supposed to be there,  but not having there wasn't a problem. You wondered what Circus Baby and Ennard were doing when everyone was eating breakfast... It looked like they were arguing, but you weren't too sure in all honesty. It could've been a heated conversation about something they both liked, or just talking erratically in general. Now that you thought about it, you didn't really know who Ennard was. The first time you had saw them was the other say whilst you were making eclairs with Yenndo, but even then they didn't say a word. Then you thought harder. Now that you properly think about it, Ennard wasn't even speaking to Circus Baby, she was doing all the talking whilst they... Moved their hands...? You decided to go and see Ennard and talk to them... After all, you were going to have to get to know them at some point if you were staying here; and better sooner than later.

You walked down the hallway that lead to where you thought Ennard might be. It was a pretty secluded room you had found whilst exploring the place. You had never actually gone inside however, since you were nearly caught entering an area for "Employees only". Well, that shouldn't matter now. You thought to yourself, snickering at yourself. The room was labelled "RETIRED", making you wonder why. Stepping inside, you were hit with a cool air that seemed to refresh your senses. The walls were painted a grey colour, with a checkered patterned floor. In one corner was a desk with some TV screens on it, and it had Lolbit sat on the edge of it, looking at a manual of something. You also saw a bed to your left, covered in a green and yellow blanket. On the other side of the room, you saw another bed, but this time it was a little bit larger, and had a deep black duvet with small purple and orange accents. To your right, there was also a couple of seats, with Ennard sat in one of them with Yenndo stood up "talking" with them. They hadn't noticed you yet, so you gently knocked on the wall, and all three of them looked up to face you. Yenndo started talking, " Your free to come in."

You shut the door behind you, "I just came to get to know you three better is all. since we haven't really talked much.."

"Alright then, Lolbit is busy doing their own things so I guess you can come sit with us." Yenndo said, beckoning you over to where he and Ennard sat. You walked over and sat down in the free armchair, and noticed that Lolbit had gone back to reading that manual. Ennard looked at you with a friendly look on their face, but still didn't say anything. "I never really got the chance to talk to you guys personally when I first saw you guys, so i thought I'd do it today if that's okay with you." Ennard nodded at you.

"Alright then, do you have any questions about us?" Yenndo said.

"Well, I do have one.. Ennard, how come you haven't said anything?" you say, trying to be polite.

Ennard sat still for a moment, and then started moving their hands again like they were with Circus Baby. And then it hit you. They were using sign language! "They said that they are mute, and have to use sign language as a way to communicate." Yenndo translated.

"Ohh. Sorry if I sounded rude, I was just curious." you said.

Ennard nodded as a response. "So does everyone here know sign language, or do you have a translator?" you continued. Ennard nodded at Yenndo, who seemed to answer the question for them. "Everyone here knows sign language, but if Ennard came into contact with somebody who didn't, one of us would have to translate for them." you nodded as a response, and then started having a conversation with Ennard, as Yenndo translated every piece for you...

"So how come you are mute? Were you born with it or did something happen?"

Well... I wasn't always mute, Ennard started signing, I used to be able to talk and perform with Yenndo and Lolbit like the other. I was their leader before Circus Baby came around. I was a very flexible person back then, with my main performances being either a singer with the the others, or performing different gymnastics to the side.. Ennard paused signing for a moment, and then continued.. Well one day, when I was performing by the side for one of my gymnastics acts, I was doing one of my most complicated moves. Suddenly, the kid I was performing for ran around me in circles with his friends, whilst at the same time the parents brought out a cake with a massive burning candle on top. I couldn't move from the awkward position I was in and..  Ennard stopped "talking" and felt around their neck and then moved their bow tie out of the way, revealing a massive scar that stretched across the front of their neck, right where their vocal cords were... The kid tripped me over and I fell onto he cake. The massive candle slashed across the front of my throat, also burning away some of the tissue... Ennard stopped signing and sat still for a couple of minutes, placing their bow tie back over their neck. It obviously troubled them.

"I'm so sorry I asked." you started apologising.

No it's completely alright. Ennard signed back.

"How many people know about this?"

Just You, Lolbit and Yenndo at the moment. The others hadn't really asked

"Oh, is that what was going on between you and Circus Baby the other day?"

Ennard nodded. She was being annoying and petty over me not being able to speak. 

"Why is this called the "retired" room then?" you ask

It's because us three no longer perform anymore due to the fact we just can't.


Everyone stayed silent for a moment, and then you said something to lighten the mood a bit. "How comes there are three of you guys, but only two beds?" you asked.

Yenndo was about to respond but then Lolbit called from the other side of the room, "It's because that bed there is Ennard's bed, and this bed here is mine and Yenndo's bed." Lolbit was obviously trying to fluster Yenndo, but wasn't having the best of luck. " I was about to say that" Yenndo said.

"Wouldn't that be awkward for Ennard?" you say.

Ennard started furiously signing something you couldn't understand. But Yenndo and Lolbit obviously did since Yenndo started getting a little bit flustered and Lolbit burst out laughing. You decided not to ask what they said. After getting to know each other a bit more, you bid your farewells to the three and left the room, heading out to search where Funtime Freddy was of course...



1) Ennard does not have a gender in this universe, and neither does Lolbit. So both will go by They/Them!

2) Just for extra information, (because why not) Ennard is by far the tallest person in Sister Location. For reference, they would be around 9 to 10 ft tall. They also used to be the leader of Lolbit and Yenndo before the others arrived and Circus Baby took over!

3) Ennard also has health problems of some sort (I haven't decided what yet, it might just be they are sicker than the others or something?) so Yenndo and Lolbit have to look after them.


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