Miracle Worker (Pt 2)

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You exited the small workshop and started back down the hallway towards the Office. If you were going to do the next part of your plan, you figured the office would be the best place to look. You weren't even sure if anyone was in there, let alone if you were actually allowed there on days you "weren't working". You decided to take your chances and turned the corner leading to the office door. I've got to be careful in case Mr. Afton is in there... You placed your ear to  the door and listened for anything that could signify if he was in there or not. There was a sound of a fan... But no sound of Mr. Afton. You slowly edged the door open, bit by bit, and peeked through the tiny gap you had made. Nobody was in there. You pushed the door open fully and walked into the room. You wondered how long the fan had been on in there, since the room was pretty cool, at least compared to rest of the building. Pushing that thought to the side, you started your search.

You weren't completely sure what you were looking for, but of course, you would probably know it when you saw it. You started rummaging through different drawers with piled upon piles of files in them. All of a sudden, something caught your eye. It seemed like an entire map of the pizzeria, but something was off... Everything was there like normal, wasn't it? You looked closely, and realised something... The Main Showroom? You thought to yourself. Isn't Circus Gallery the "Main Showroom"?  However this didn't seem like the case. The map showed Funtime Auditorium, Ballora Gallery AND Circus Gallery as well as this so called "Main Showroom". You traced the map with your finger, location exactly where it was. It was down a corridor to the side of Circus Gallery by the looks of things, was the largest room there. This might just work for you plan if it was what you thought it was...

You made your way back down towards Circus Gallery and looked around for the corridor. It took a while to find, but after a while, you came face to face with a door with the words "Main Showroom" Printed on a plaque screwed to the front. . The door had black and yellow security tape fastened to it reading "Under renovation". Maybe that was why you hadn't seen it before. You highly doubted it was still under renovation, since the map looked like it was quite old; they most likely put the tape there to stop people asking about whatever it was. You pushed the door open and walked into an incredibly spacious room filled with many intricate decorations. It was so beautiful. Balloons outlined the room and there were plenty of tables to eat at. Just like Ballora Gallery, it had a "dance floor" in the centre of it all. But the main spectacle was the best of it all. Large red curtains were pulled back to reveal an enormous stage with four different platforms. There was one at the front that was the lowest, then two to the side which were slightly higher, but not level with one another, and one at the back that was the tallest. Lights circled the rims of each stage and lit up in different colours; the front stage being red, the two stages behind being purple and pink, and the one at the very back being a blue colour.

You wondered what this could've been for for a moment, and then it hit you. This was a massive room for everyone to perform in at the same time. This would help perfectly with your plan. If I can convince Mr. Afton to open this stage up again, everybody will be able to perform all together and see how much they actually need one another, and Circus Baby might stop being so rude!  You dashed back to the office and rummaged about on the desk, looking for some files you saw the other day They were files that would grant permission to opening the stage, at least you thought. After some rummaging, you found the exact files you were hoping for. You hoped Mr. Afton wouldn't mind about you doing this, but you just pushed that thought to the side and started signing all the necessary forms... Hopefully everything was going to work...

....And with that, your plan was complete...

You went to go gather everybody to spill the beans.....

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